Jennifer shares for us on Sundays and also pens the Featured Friday posts for us.
1. Tell us about yourself...
I'm a stay-at-home mom to two children, Roman and Ella. I met my
husband, Lee, while life guarding for the summer. I'm half-italian and I
talk with my hands…so much so that I have accidentally hit people. I'm a
bit of a klutz and I have been known to snort a bit when I laugh from
time to time. I will take an action movie or comedy over a dramatic
tear-jerker any day. I'm a hobbyist photographer and my favorite
subjects are my kids. My camera goes everywhere I kids will
audibly groan every time I take it out. I take pictures every. single.
day. It keeps me sane. It allows me to express myself without having to
say a word and I just love that.

2. What ignited your passion for photography, and what fuels it now?
This past winter I had kind of a bad week. some personal events had occurred in my life and everything just got to me, in a big way. One morning, my daughter wanted to go outside and play in the snow. It was falling in these huge flakes. We were in the kitchen, by the back door, and I grabbed my camera (which I had put away and forgot about) and told her that she could go out for a minute on the back deck (she was still in her pajamas, but had slippers on and her little pink fluffy coat). She stood there, in the falling snow, and the look on her face was just beautiful. She was so happy and she was just loving how the flakes were falling on her upturned face. I shot each of those pictures on auto and edited them on my iPad (didn't know how to use any editing software at
the time). They were far from perfect, but there was one that I loved. One that just did it for me. That's how it started. That's when it began. that's when I fell in love with photography and wanted to learn more.
3. What's in your camera bag right now, what do use the most? the least?
I have two kelly moore bags and right now, my kelly moore b-hobo bag in grey gets the most use. I love it.
Inside that you will find my canon 6d with my canon 35L lens. i'd say that lens is on my camera 95% of the time.
For the other 5% i use my canon 135L and sometimes my canon 50 f1.4. Although, after writing that I feel bad and will probably try to use those two more now this week!
I think that I am doing my dream project right now, to be honest. I love taking pictures of my kids. Love it. Don't get me wrong, my kids will groan, very loudly, when they see me reach for my camera. They are not always cooperative subjects, but I want to remember moments and parts of their life, very, very badly. I am doing a 365 and it's all of my kids. There are a few pictures in there that aren't my children, but, predominately, It's my kids. when I am done I want to do something with those images. I haven't figured out what quite yet, but something.

5. What is the biggest challenge you face as a photographer?
Myself. I am my worst critic and I am not ashamed to admit that i don't always have a lot of confidence in myself. It's gotten better though, but I am still working on it.
How should you spend it?
This is a really tough question!! i should probably spend it on something like getting my personal images printed up instead of letting them sit on my hard drive. :/
This is a really tough question!! i should probably spend it on something like getting my personal images printed up instead of letting them sit on my hard drive. :/
How do you wish you could spend it?
On a lens...a new lens. I have this one lens in mind and i really, really, want it. Why do they have to cost so much?? *sigh*
How would you really spend it?
I'd probably just break down and get the lens. I am so very weak.

7. Is there any one thing you wish someone had told you at the very beginning of your photography journey?
Actually, someone did tell me something that stuck in my head. they basically told me to take my time, enjoy the ride, and don't rush into anything.

To see more of Jennifer's jaw dropping imagery you can visit her here...
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