Monday, November 25, 2013

Meet This Week's Judge: Ana Myer {rhythm} November 25th

A big thank you to Ana Myer of Ana Myer Photography & AMPed Photoshop Actions for 

judging our "rhythm" photos this week! If you haven't had a chance to check out her beautiful 

work, please do! But before you do that, read a little bit about her here: 

  • 1. Please tell us about yourself...
    I am a clicking- happy homeschooling mama of three, wife to a pretty cool guy and the person behind Ana Myer photography and AMPed photoshop actions. I love light, nature, coffee... Cooking, writing, painting, scrap booking and the beach

    2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
    If I had to describe my style in three words I'd have to say "raw" "emotive" " moody" I guess those are things I try to capture about every day life. I love capturing true, raw moments, and I am a sucker for emotion captured over technicalities any day.

    3. What sparked your passion for photography?
    I believe I always have loved photography, even before I knew it. I used to write a lot, much like capturing but with words. Of course my passion took a completely different turn once that first baby of mine was born. I wanted to absorb and just vampire and remember everything, every detail.
    4. What's in your camera bag right now?
    Well, right this moment there are a couple of diapers, wipes, two lens covers ( they are never on my camera) and my wallet
    5. What is your dream shoot or project?
    As of now I would really love to stick to a 365 project next year. I have so many projects I dream of doing but I feel if I can stick to a 365, I could do anything!
    6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?
    Early in my journey, I thought there were shortcuts, a better lens, learning to edit... But that has changed so much for me. It's all about the foundation and learning what you have first. Yes, equipment does help. A lot. But if you don't know how to use it , what is the point? I find myself using my starter camera and lenses a lot more now.
  • 7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
  • I wish someone had told me that first things first. Learn the basis. Learn to focus and expose ( even if you decide later on to break those rules) I know a new camera and new lenses sound great but just take your time . Don't rush, there are not any short cuts. Shoot what you love, shoot with your heart, never stop learning , don't be afraid to be YOU.

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