This week we welcome as our guest judge, the fabulously talented Katy Tuttle of Katy Tuttle
Photography. Take a moment to to learn a little about how her wonderously evocative images come
to be!

1. Tell us about yourself...I am a stay at home mother with not nearly enough time on my hands to do all that my soul longs to do. Always longing to create in a way that gives life to my inner-poetry. I am an artist, an addict for deep resonances in my bones, in my blood. And I ache to be shaken to the core… by imagery … to create work like thisIS my life's work.
2. What ignited your passion for photography, and what fuels it now?The ignition has been a slow actualization.The constant friction gave smoke and spark and now flame…I hope to rage this fire and to feed it everyday.The deep and dark in my life have given me motivation and lifetimes of inspiration, but the beauty and light are what keep me going.So… life, its inconsistency, its unknown beauty and affectations have fed my desire to create. Time, too brought me to photography.This is the photo that began it all…
A photo shoot with my most beautiful late sister… she was posing as Ophelia. This photo was shot years and years, a lifetime ago. The focus is missed, the film is old and scarred and she is gone. What lives on is my love for it all.Her, film… and missed focus, too.
4. What's your dream project or shoot?These dream shoots change for me on the daily… and to be honest, i don't think about what a dream shoot would be much. I am not a planner…BUT… I love to have clients who want unique creative vision brought to a shoot… Today, as it rains outside of my window, I dream of shooting a very pregnant woman and her partner holding each other in the mud… (am I weird?)
5. What is the biggest challenge you face as a photographer?Not having enough time!!!!! And balancing real life with my creative desires & needs.
6. If you had $500 to spend on photography...How should you spend it?Honestly? Bills.How do you wish you could spend it?On attending a film workshop.How would you really spend it?Client gifts <3
7. Is there any one thing you wish someone had told you at the very beginning of your photography journey?I have a hard time listening to people who tell me what to do.BUT, I wish someone would have told me that my goal was not to be great at everything photography related…. or to produce the most clear, perfect pictures according to each and every person who looks on.
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