Tuesday, December 24, 2013

This Week in Experiments

The true method of knowledge is experiment. 

- William Blake

Without the natural human need to experiment, growth and change would never occur. This is as apparent in teaching,  politics,  and medicine, as it is in photography. We try new things; if we like it, we try to master it, and if we don't, we leave it alone. Both paths are part of the journey to discovery and self-improvement. Both paths lead to knowledge. 

We chose not to host a theme this week or next so that our admin and guest judges can enjoy their holidays, but we asked you to share any experiments you have been working on. Here are a few that we really loved, in no particular order, with commentary from the photographer. 

A Rock and a Soft Place: I asked my four year old to spray water in front of the little one during breakfast, with morning sun pouring in through the windows.

Arrow Creek PhotographyFree-lensing experiment- nighttime traffic (from the passenger seat!).

Cynthis Dawson Photography: Experiment {free lensing}

Jen Dale PhotographyMy experiment for today - try to get a reflection of a flower in a water drop. Didn't really get the reflection of the flower, so that was a fail, but I got some lovely drops, so that was a win!

Sarah Landa PhotographyExperiment ~ summer image with winter texture

I enjoyed seeing what you've been working on, and found some inspiration for myself. Keep sharing your latest experiments! We'll post some more next week! 



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