
Friday, April 7, 2017

Feature Friday with Jenna Dallaire Photography!

Jenna of Jenna Dallaire Photography was the winner of last week's 'imperfection' challenge, and today we get to learn more about her (plus, see more of her beautiful work)!

1. Please tell us about yourself...
 I live in the busy eclectic town of Boulder Colorado.  Life is always interesting especially with my two kiddos (4 ¾ as he would say and my self proclaimed 2.5 year old princess). We have tons of local micro breweries, but I’d prefer a nice glass of red wine.  I lose horribly to my very supportive husband at gin rummy.

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
3 words to describe my photography.
Storytelling; I love seeing an image that makes me feel like I am right there in the moment.
Humorous; how many times have you laughed out loud at something your children  have done?
Everyday; It’s how I want our children to remember their childhood. Everyday they played freely, everyday they were safely tucked into bed, everyday they were loved. (I strive to capture this for clients)

3. What sparked your passion for photography?
 I purchased a camera five years ago when my son was born. Familiar song, right? My tune was a little different. My camera never was much use until about a year  and half ago.  I realized that “MOTHERHOOD” was stealing my identity.  It consumed who I was, every action I did, and I was struggling.   I did some soul realizing I needed to learn something new, needed to create something, and needed something of my “own”.
I accepted a part time job at a national box store photo studio. This experience gave me an opportunity to work with every type of client.  During that year, I switched my camera to manual mode and began photographing my kids.  Capturing everyday moments is the heart of my photography.  This journey has brought me closer to my children and how I see the beauty in our chaos.

4. What's in your camera bag right now?
 Remember that camera I purchased five years ago? Yep, still rockingn’ that crop sensor Nikon 5100. I did upgrade my lens to Nikon 35 mm 1.8 and that rarely leaves my camera.  In the bag, but doesn’t come out much is a 50mm 1.8 and 55-300 (which just recently made a debut to capture my son’s first soccer game…)

5. What is your dream shoot or project?
Wow, I haven’t thought that big yet.  Career wise, I’d like to capture how interesting and fun families are in their own home or backyard.  Personal project; my hubby and I have planned to give our children more experiences by traveling and camping in various National Parks. Of course my camera would be in hand as we set out for adventures.

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?
This journey doesn’t have to be taken solo. There are so many groups that you can join based on your genre or interest.  Your community can become a safe and respectful sounding board for questions.
I wasn’t sure if I was ready to invest in a class, but investing in education only helped me cultivate my vision.
Another great benefit of classes offer are “alumni” style groups that can instantly build your community in your genre.

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
 Even though I still consider myself a newbie photographer, here goes….
You’ve just “liked” an image on Facebook or Instagram.  Take a moment to understand why you liked that image. Was it a dreamy? Was it moody? A storytelling element? Was the composition complex or simple? Really, the list could go on.  Now de-construct the image, ask yourself where is the light source coming from.  What was photographer’s point of view? Does anything in the image add or distract from the story? And most importantly does the image elicit an emotional response when you viewed it?

Ok now that you just studied images…. sometimes you have to break up with social media…just for a little while! I used to get alerts on my phone when certain photographers posted on IG.  The most freeing experience was when my hubby turned off the notifications and I just shot moments how I saw them or wanted to tell the story.

 Also, have your work critiqued by a trusted/established photographer(s) and be open to what they have to say about your work. Then incorporate those lessons the next time you shoot. I have grown immensely by this experience.

Find more of Jenna's beautiful work here:

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, nice job. I thought your comments were outstanding and in depth. Keep up the good work. Did not realize you had such deep thoughts attached to your pics. I think you have grown amazingly in your photo journey.
