
Friday, April 21, 2017

Feature Friday with Adrielle Fotografie!

Adrielle was the winner of last week's 'faceless' challenge, and this week she is sharing all about herself with us!

1. Please tell us about yourself…
Hello everyone! My name is Adriëlle de Voogd and I live in Middelburg (The Netherlands) which is a small city close to the sea. I’ve been married for 10 years now with the man of my dreams and we have two kids: Sem (7) and Noah (5). I think 90% of the pictures you see on my social media are pictures of these two little monsters, and I truly love them!

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
Black and white: I only took pictures in black and white over the last 2 years, because that way I can express myself the best. Another reason is that in black and white the use of light is very important and so magical. That is why I am addicted to black and white and to the use of natural light.

Clean: The thing I like to do to make an eye catching picture is to keep it clean. So I’ll take care that the image never gets boring. Also a clean picture makes sure that all the attention goes to the important things in the picture and not to the side issues.

Emotive: If you see real emotion in a picture it makes the story in it relatable. You don’t always have to be happy. Sadness and disappointment are also beautiful emotions that make you stronger and therefore they are important to capture.

3. What sparked your passion for photography?
I wasn't really interested in taking pictures until the birth of my son in 2010. After his birth I really started learning all I could about photography. I want to be able to capture all of the memories of him growing up, and it never stops :)

4. What's in your camera bag right now?
Actually, I don’t have a camera bag :) I only have the Fuji XT-1 with the 35mm 1.4 stuck on it. So it fits in my handbag or even inside my pocket and I always carry it with me, ready to take thát picture! I also have a 23mm 2.0, which I only use in small rooms.

5. What is your dream shoot or project?
I don’t really have a dreamshoot or project. The only thing I want is to show the world how beautiful we are. Sometimes I think people only see beauty in big, expensive or in what it seems are ‘important’ events, but I want to show that real beauty is just in the little things of life. I will do every shoot or project that supports this idea.

Oh, for sure I have a dream. I would love to cross the world with my family so we can focus on each other and capture that with my camera.

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?
That the more expensive the camera and lens the better the image. Now I know it’s the person behind the camera who sees and handles the light, the composition etc. (or not :p)

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
Follow your heart! I believe a good photographer is someone who takes a picture by following his heart and uses his own creativity. Don’t do the things you think other people expect from you, because then you ignore your own feelings and I’m sure that is visible in a picture.

Find more of Adrielle's beautiful work here:

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