
Friday, December 9, 2016

Feature Friday with Jupiter Hue Photography!

Carinne Powers of Jupiter Hue Photography was the winner of last week's 'travel' challenge and as we've feature Carinne recently (check out this post here), we've asked her to share some images that are dear to her heart.

"'Who wants to take a walk?' I hear my husband call out to our two youngest girls as I'm filling up my coffee cup one last time before I head out the door to take the oldest boys to school. Our four year old responds by swooshing her hips back and forth, arms pumping "Meeee" and our 17 month old, knowing exactly what the means, heads straight for the front door stretching her body, one side higher than the other, tippytoe and pulls at the door handle. I call back over my shoulder "love you" to anyone that can hear and scoot out the door. 
For months now, as I pull back into the driveway from school drop off, I catch glimpses of the girls and my husband coming back from their walk. I listen to funny stories about how fearless and adventurous our youngest seems to be or just enjoy of few minutes of silence in a quite house before they return. This past weekend as they head out the door I decide to grab my camera and tag along. The walks have become something the girls look forward to after breakfast, a little Daddy girl time before he gets settled in his office or heads out the door for meetings. 
I realized quickly into the walk that my presence was causing a different dynamic and I wished I could've moved unseen around them. And though, I didn't fully captured what it is like on one of their walks together I am happy I documented the memories all the same." ~ Carinne

Find more gorgeous work by Jupiter Hue Photography here:

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