
Friday, October 21, 2016

Feature Friday with Chelsea Lyn Photography!

Chelsea Furlong of Chelsea Lyn Photography was the winner of last week's 'invincible summer' challenge, and as we've recently featured Chelsea on the blog (check out this post), we've asked her to share some work that she loves!

"In the last 6 months or so, I’ve found that my goals in my photography journey have changed from technical to artistic.  I’ve been really trying to find my voice and my style.  Prior to that, I tended to follow the rules more and tried to perfect my technical skills when I was shooting.  But, I felt like I was holding myself back from something and I couldn’t figure out what that was.   For months I had been soaking up dark, moody images created by other photographers, and I couldn’t get enough of them.  They made my heart stop and my mind always wanting more.  It wasn’t until one stormy night in July that I realized my own work was headed in that same direction.

Another photographer and I had arranged a meet up that night to do some shooting on the beach, but the skies were dark and the forecast was calling for rain.  I’ll admit that I kind of wanted to cancel because I most often shot down at the beach during gorgeous sunsets with yummy golden hours.  It’s just what I was used to.  The other photographer said she still wanted to do it, so I reluctantly went along with the original plan.  I’m so thankful for that now because when I looked at the back of my camera after the very first shot, I felt something spark inside me that I’ve never felt.  I was totally in love with the tones, the mood, the darkness, the rawness of that shot.  I instantly fell in love with that session and I had only taken a single shot.  Not only do I love the look of the photos, but I also love the emotion in them.  The children were just so in tune with the nature around them.  My oldest son’s imagination was running wild, and he truly believed that he had discovered how to create lightning using sticks and sand, and a very specific combination of movements.  It was beautiful.  Every second of it.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from the night that changed the direction of my photography journey, and showed me exactly what I had been missing in my photography... soul, voice, passion, and raw emotion. My photography is finally changing from just photographs to my own heart, soul, and mood depicted in imagery outside my body.  Now that I’m finding my voice, I can’t wait to see where my journey leads me in the next year!" ~ Chelsea

Find more of Chelsea's beautiful work here:

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