
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

{dream the impossible}

What a great honor to Guest Judge on the Snap Maven, one of the first photo communities I ever joined and one that continues to enrich my photo journey. Thanks to all who participated in the {dream the impossible} didn't make it easy! Can I pick my favorite 15 or 20? 

Top 10 in no particular order: 

What a clever way to capture a child's imagination using a dinosaur and a shadow....two of the best childhood imagination tools possible!


What little boy doesn't dream of being a baseball pro? This image uses fantastic composition and color, and I love the way the child's baseball t-shirt and the wall featuring the dugout and stands tie it all together.


I went back to this one again and again because it has so much joyful emotion and because it looks like the little girl is flying on a horse...a little girl's dream!


I love how literally Desra took this theme, and what a gorgeous black and white conversion. It makes me wonder what the child is really dreaming, and is it to float in a hot air balloon or visit France like the pillow suggests (super cute pillow, by the way)? 


Well, it's no surprise that this stunning image is from Solas Images. Lisa's work has never disappointed. Such a beautiful conversion, composition, and the idea that hard work can help a person achieve their dreams.


What a gorgeous work of art! When I chose this theme, I did think of making a journey, whether by boat or spaceship or imagination!


This is such a beautifully created portrait, and wouldn't we all like to be super heroes? I think we all can be in one way or another. Just absolutely perfect and shows so much detail in a simple portrait.


Another very talented photographer and one of the first I ever learned about in my photo journey, this image has such a timeless and film-like look. I love the idea of embarking on a journey via sailboat, headed for who-knows-where. 


A very clever photograph, dreaming something impossible in the ways of science and what we know to be real and true. I love the expression on the boy's face, the leading lines and the shadows.


This image tugs at my heartstrings. We thought for many years that parenthood was impossible for us, but miraculously we are blessed with two little girls. This image makes me think of every time I dreamt of holding a baby just like this and thinking it impossible. 


And the winner is....
This image just blew me away. It is everything in an image that I'd love to capture of my little one. The colors and light are amazing with the child's hair, clothing and dinosaur tying into the sunlight and grass. My two year old is a big dinosaur fan right now, so this reminded me so much of her, and I know she'd be all about riding a dinosaur. Everything about it is perfect. 

Thank you all for submitting the most beautiful and incredible work. It really was {impossible} to choose. You are all so talented! Thank you for having me, Snap Maven! 

♥Aubrey Dettmer at Applewood Photography

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