
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

{Marvel of an Ordinary Life}

I believe so wholeheartedly that the mundane, everyday moments of simple and ordinary ARE what is most beautiful about life.  Naturally my choice of theme would be an outflow from that philosophy.  I never imagined how difficult it would be to select a mere eleven images that portray that outlook — marveling in the ordinary life.  The submissions were poignant, mesmerizing, cheerful, and gasp inducing.  They all tugged at pieces of my heart.  It does my soul much good to see so many others find beauty amidst their routines.  

I am so incredibly drawn to this image, and it was a close battle in my heart for the winner.  I love the wonder the photo conveys in the simple magic of raindrops on a car windshield.  It is in indulging their curiosity like this that we make the “ordinary come alive” for them.  The use of black and white was such an excellent choice here. 


I could not love this image more.  The water droplet bokeh.  The siblings in the sink bath.  The splashing. The expression of utter joy.  These are kids who get to grow up in a home where fun and wonder are valued over the added work of cleaning up the mess that fun makes.  


Pets are such a remarkable part of teaching our children to love and to receive love.  And then, they are also part of teaching our children how to let go and remember.  Having lost our dog of fourteen years last March, this image triggered much emotion from me.  How important it is to document our four legged family members, too. The beautiful soft backlight and muted tones create such a poignant image. 


The real, lived-in quality in the room combined with the wonder of the children makes this magic for me.  I love the backlight in the curly hair.  I love the hand peeking out behind the curtain. I love the possibilities of what they could be seeing out that window.  A beautiful start to a day full of possibilities.  


Such a perfectly classic moment of babyhood that we can either choose to view as an annoyance or a beautiful part of a short period in our lives.  I am such a sucker for this light that I call “Vermeer light.” What a perfect use of this type of light to tell the story of this moment, the victory of finally being tall enough to grab ahold of the tray!


I love the use of light that highlights the delicate profile, the baby curls, and the dedicated focus of holding a handful of crayons all at once.  This is someone who notices the little things in life and takes time to revel in them.  This is someone who is passing that on to her child and letting her discover what happens when you experiment. 


I love the pure childhood of this photo. The use of whatever was at hand to douse the other.  The black and white draws you right into the moment.  


This image speaks to me about seeing the wonder in the tiniest and more boring things.  The water droplet spray illuminated by the backlight are just magical.  That little baby will grow up with parents who are absolutely going to make the ordinary come alive.  


I just love this photo.  I love the use of lines along with the backlight that draw you right to the subject.  It is such a real moment and so beautiful as this little one is learning the joy of using her body.  I’m anticipating a twirl and it kind of has me on the edge of my seat, waiting for the realization of the moment. 


I am in love with this self portrait photo that shows a momma willing to let loose and PLAY with her kiddo.  A momma who knows the joy of making your own fun wherever you happen to be.  Wonderful framing. Wonderful motion. Wonderful happy expressions. I love it. 


And the winner is…. 

I just kept coming back and back and back to this image.  It draws me in like the introduction to the most wonderful novel that I can’t wait to read. I want to know more!  I love how the brothers are involved in helping the baby. I love how they are perched wherever and however they can.  I love the gentle way he is holding the tiny hand.  I love the light and shadows. I love the muted tones.  I love the pop of blue and green from the plants and scrub brush.  This is brotherhood, and marveling in ordinary things that must be done in an ordinary life.  This is a family who is being taught to make the ordinary come alive!

Snap Maven, thank you so much for the honor of being a guest judge.  It was such a pleasure and highlight to my week to be immersed in these amazing images.  I only wish I could have shared twenty or so more that spoke to my heart! 

Collection curated by 

Carey Pace

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much! What an honor! -April, Little Trees Photography
