
Friday, February 26, 2016

Feature Friday with Lili Nis Mommygraphy!

The winner of last week's 'the space in my heart' challenge is the talented Lili Nis, of Lili Nis Mommygraphy.  Read on to find out all about her, and see more of her gorgeous work!

1. Please tell us about yourself...

 My Name is Lili Nis , mother of 3 little kids, ages 7, 5 and 20 Months. I come from indonesia , but live with my family in Bremen, Germany.

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?

 My style in three words, it has to be emotive, vibrant and dreamy.
Emotive, because i hope that I can convey emotion to the people who look at my image. It's important to me that they feel something  when they look at my image.
Vibrant , for so many reasons i.e. I love color, vibrant color, sometimes if I have a hard day (which often happens because I have three little kids ;) ) I feel better if i see something vibrant, it makes me smile again.
Dreamy, well somewhere in my heart I'm still a little girl who loves those dreamy, fairy things;)

3. What sparked your passion for photography?

 Early 2008 my husband bought me a DSLR , but I always used it in automatic mode and I had no interrest in learning more, until 2012. A friend of mine pushed me to attend a workshop " how to shoot in manual mode" and since then, I have been really in love with photography. Every night when my Baby is asleep and I'm waiting for my husband to come home from work, I sit in front of my laptop and jump from one photography comunity to another.

4. What's in your camera bag right now?

 Canon 5Dmkii, Sigma 35mm1.4 (which is almost all the time on it), Lensbaby edge80, Canon 85mm1.8, Canon 50mm1.4 and Lensbaby spark.

5. What is your dream shoot or project?

 Couple in Boudoir style , that would be something out of my comfort zone.

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?

 I always thought that a good image has to fulfill all the photography rules to be perfect, which can give you a hard time trying. But thanks to other photographers (i.e. Anita Cline from "my three sons image") I learned that if I make an image that is beautiful for me but maybe technically not perfect, it's still totally sufficient. Of course we have to know the rules so that we can break them, but I can say now that I just shoot for me, I don't expect that the others will like it, but I am happy if they do.

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?

 Take it easy, don't push yourself so hard and don't compare yourself with other photographers who have already been in business for a long time :) and I wish that somebody would have told me that. You have to know the photography rules but you shouldnt shoot just basicly according to the rules.

Find more of Lili's beautiful work here:

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