
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

{cabin fever}

To say that choosing favorites this week was difficult would be an understatement. Not only were there tons of awesome submissions there was also a lot of diversity. Thank you so much for inviting me into your home and letting me see how you handle being stuck inside. I spent much of my week giggling at all of the antics.

I just can't get over this shot. The lines and scene are so simple but wide open grin just keeps drawing me back in. Buy kids toys and they want to play with the box! Awesome capture. 


This is just a riot. I love that the little girl looks like she is mid getaway story! I can totally see her imagination working.


So many of the photos this week were funny but some of them also had great lines and composition. I love the balance and framing of this photo. Add to it that this is how I feel about winter too and this shot quickly became a favorite. 


This photo has such a beautiful connection. I'm lost in baby Darth's eyes before I 
even get the opportunity to laugh. 


If my boys could see this I'd be in so much trouble. Seriously, though we might have to make this happen at my house. I love the pops of color against the white and black in this photo and the anticipation makes me want to see the after shot!


I just kept coming back to this photo. The look on the child's face totally expresses how I feel about winter and I love that she has brought all her entertainment to lunch with her. The conversion is also beautiful. 


This is just a beautiful shot. My pup feels the same way about the cold weather! I loved that a few folks included their furry friends. 


I remember catching my little brother in my makeup when I was younger. Only a photog mom takes this shot before she runs to the rescue of her makeup! I just love this moment between brothers. Probably some of the safest trouble they will ever get into!


This photo cracks me up. I remember my boys standing on their play kitchen too. It is amazing how kids can turn a tame toy into a jungle gym. 


There are almost no words for this photo. It expresses the age old problem of winter boredom so well. 
Timeless and hysterical.


I feel like this photo captures the life of a toddler mom. I love the point of view and all of the details. 
Epic is really the best word for this shot. 

curated by Mavenista Lynzi
Lynzi Berg Photography

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