
Friday, November 13, 2015

Feature Friday with Tiffany Mae Photography

Tiffany Mae Photography was the winner of our 'imagination' challenge two weeks ago, and today she is sharing a peek into her camera bag, as well as more of her gorgeous work!

1. Please tell us about yourself...

Hi there! I'm Tiffany, and always find writing about myself to be really awkward! I've been with my husband for almost 10 years and we have 3 awesome kids - Ben who is 5, Henry who is 3, and Alice who is 1. Life is crazy, but in a good way... most of the time!

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?

Environment, Story, Bright. I'm not sure if those are perfectly accurate, but I try to incorporate the environment into my photos as much as possible. I really enjoy getting images that tell a story, and like bright colors, bright light, bright smiles!

3. What sparked your passion for photography?

Almost 5 years ago, I was so fed up with blurry pictures of my oldest son (who was still a baby), as well as the funky flash and colors! I decided to pick up an old Olympus DSLR we had lying around, threw it into Manual, and took off from there. I never intended to do it professionally, but fell absolutely in love!

4. What's in your camera bag right now?

Nikon D800, Sigma 50mm Art, Tokina 16-28mm - My loves. I prefer shooting at the shorter range of the spectrum. 

5. What is your dream shoot or project?

Probably a maternity session in Iceland. Otherwise, I already really love what I do!

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?

I had absolutely no idea how much work, time, and money go into this business! It's insane! Had I known that, I might have stuck with sewing :-D My views have certainly changed, and I'm learning to value MYSELF more the longer I'm in this business!

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?

I'm positive I DID receive this advice, but wish I would have actually taken it to heart. This is a journey, and one of the most exciting parts is the constant growth and change in what we love and our skills. Embrace where you are, and stop trying to be that photographer you admire. Find your own voice, cultivate it, and scream it as loudly as you can! 

Find more of Tiffany's beautiful work here:

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