
Friday, October 30, 2015

Feature Friday with Samantha Lawson Photography!

This week's Feature Friday is all about the wonderful Sam Lawson of Samantha Lawson Photography, winner of last week's 'senses' challenge. Read on to discover how she describes her style, and what her dream shoot would be!

1. Please tell us about yourself…

I'm Sam Lawson, i'm 29 and I live in Birmingham, England. I am an auntie to two beautiful and amazing girls, Bella (7) and Sophie (5). 
I have never taken a photography course, I drink a lot of milk, I'm an animal lover, I'm always listening to music, I dream of living by the sea and I love watching spooky films.

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
I would say my style is raw, timeless and emotive. I love shooting the unposed, real life moments of childhood.

3. What sparked your passion for photography?

I brought my first DSLR camera around 8 years ago after my first niece was born. My passion for photography just grew from there really.


4. What's in your camera bag right now?

I don't actually own a camera bag, hahaa. but I shoot with a Nikon D7000 and most of the time I use my 35mm 1.8. I travel pretty light where my photography is concerned.

5. What is your dream shoot or project?

I would just love to shoot for Vogue! That would be my dream. I would like to do some fashion photography, so that could be my next project maybe.


6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?

I thought you needed to take a photography course to become a good photographer….. I never thought I would be able to just teach myself.

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?

I wish someone had told me at the beginning that you don't need the best camera or the most expensive lens to take the best pictures. Just get to understand your camera, shoot in manual mode and just keep taking as many pictures as you can, that is the best way to learn. Always believe in yourself, don't ever compare yourself to others and shoot what you love. Also, print your images because that is something I forget to do.

Find more of Sam's beautiful work here:

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