
Friday, October 23, 2015

Feature Friday with Jessica Max!

Jessica Rasmussen is the face behind Jessica Max, and the winner of last week's 'low light' challenge.  Read on to hear her thoughts on why she picked up a camera, how she describes her style, and more!

1. Please tell us about your self...
I'm Jessica Rasmussen, and I live near San Juan, Puerto Rico with my husband, 5 year old daughter Chloe and 6 year old son Chase. I am chronically unorganized, have a penchant for RedBull, and home school two small children.... scary! 

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
Emotional, movement, maybe a little chaos.

I've always kind of gravitated towards movement in my images, at least particularly in my personal work, and I don't really FEEL an image if there isn't at least a small connection between the subject and photographer. And chaos, because that is basically my daily life. Life is messy, ya know?

3. What sparked your passion for photography?
My dad passed away unexpectedly, and it was a snap and gone moment for me. To think all the time we spent together, growing up and through my college years, and I don't have any tangible memories. I regret that for my children when they ask me about him when we pass his headstone. 
After that, I got a camera, and that's where the "oh my goodness put your camera away for five seconds" journey started.

4. What's in your camera bag right now?
I have to say I use an ONA bag and IT IS MY FAVORITE THING EVER.
Canon 6d
Canon 60d
Canon 100L
Canon 50 1.8 STM
Sigma 24 1.8
And I just sold my Canon 24-70mkiiL lens, to be replaced by the new Canon 35L or a Lensbaby Velvet 56...decisions.

5. What is your dream shoot or project?
I'm going to start shooting film as a personal project. Particularly I'd like to start shooting underwater with film. Also, I've started a black and white project with my daughter, since I finally have time to do so.

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?
I really thought that photography was a lot of fun and travel and cake and no cares, but really the business side of it is STRESSFULL. I'm from a pretty small town with lots of photographers, and I'm thankful for the close friendships I have with some of them even still. 
I realize now that owning a creative business will always be difficult, but it doesn't make me feel any differently. 

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
My best advice to give is learn your camera first. Do everything you can to know that thing inside and out before stressing over 'upgrading'. Find a mentor! Shoot what inspires you, and only that for a while. Finding out what inspired me and really moved me changed my vision big time. Also, I wish I'd learned that L lenses aren't really as life changing as I wanted them to be, and not worth begging for. Today, I shot thru a plastic cup. And you know what? I dig it WAY more than that $2k 24-70 I badgered my husband for for almost a year.

Find more of Jessica's gorgeous work here:

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