
Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Every once in a while, the Mavenistas step in as guest judge, 
and this time it's Snap Maven's founding Mavenista, at the wheel. 
Julie chose ''healing" as the theme for the week in honor of 
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and in support of The Gold Hope Project.
If you have ever wondered about a way to use photography to help people,
Gold Hope is an excellent way to do it.
"Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? 
Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. 
I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, 
here in this world and the life to come."

Henri Nouwen

Healers come in many forms and we can all make the effort
to practice the art of healing in our words, actions, and spirit.
This theme is particularly close to my own heart as the mom of
a son who is a survivor of pediatric cancer.
He has been in remission for four years this Christmas.
He was just shy of 10 at diagnosis and turns 14 this month.
Technically we cannot say he is cured until the end of five years of remission.
It's a traumatic wound that still aches when touched.
There are reminders every six months 
in the form of blood work and check ups
and waiting to see what late term side effects 
from the treatment may arise.
There is also an ever present sense 
of looking behind you, 
wondering if you have truly gotten away from the monster,
or if it is simply hiding, 
waiting to strike just when you finally believed you were safe.
Taking an extra look at symptoms
 you would have never thought twice about before.
It is a process, sometimes it is a slow one, 
and sometimes it means having to make a conscious choice
to not forget, though not to dwell, 
but to move ahead,
and to heal,
even amidst the scars.


Admittedly, I was disappointed that this theme did not receive more submissions.
This is the reason you will find only ten total images this week 
as opposed to a top ten and an overall winner. 

I have to tell you that despite there being fewer images to choose from, 
the quality 
of those images that were submitted were so excellent.
These are powerful emotive images 
and I so proud to get to say I curated this collection of
amazing image from such brilliant artists.
Normally, I write about why I chose each image.
In this set of images, I think that may actually take away
 from the potential impact each image could have on you the viewer.
Ask yourselves, what each image says to your heart,
how does it resonate in your own should and in your own experience of life?

Thanks for staying with me this far.


The winners in no particular order are...










and the winner is

Thank you so much for joining us this week!
Be sure to submit your images for the new theme this week~

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