
Friday, September 18, 2015

Feature Friday with My Captured Life!

We've been lucky enough to feature the incredibly talented Shelley Reis of My Captured Life before (see her interview here).  She is the winner of last week's 'healing' challenge, and we've asked her to share one of her recent favourite sessions with us.

'I was asked to share a session for the Friday Feature this week. I ummed and ahed over what to share. A recent client session sprang to mind - a glamorous beach shoot with a beautiful girl. The more I pondered on it the more I realised that I really wanted to share some work that was closer to my heart. I love all my sessions but my personal work is by far my most rewarding and enjoyable. Since the beginning of 2015 I have been documenting my life in pictures in my daily blog, My Captured Life. I have never been very good at keeping diaries - in fact I always start on January 1 and finish up for the year by about January 4, so to have made it to Day 259 is quite an achievement. I have really enjoyed searching and finding beauty in the everyday mundanities of life and highlighting them through my art.

As a consequence of this project I bring my camera everywhere - and just as well because you never know what adventure lies just around the corner. The images below are from a recent day - a short, spontaneous road trip and a family outing to a historic township close to where we live. While walking by the museum we spotted the sign for a hedge maze. The children, Oscar, 4, and Lola, 1, were champing at the bit to run off and explore as I fumbled for change in my wallet. They spent half an hour running up and down exploring the maze trying their best to lose me - peeking under, over and through the hedge walls to see if I was on the trail.'    -   Shelley

Find more of Shelley's beautiful work here:

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