This week, we have Rebecca of Rebecca Wang Photography guest judging what you share from behind closed doors. Enjoy her interview and beautiful photos!
1. Tell us about yourself:
I'm a mother to 2, absolutely beautiful and equally insane boys. I've never met 2 human beings with more energy and charisma than them. I'm a wife to a pretty fantastic human being. I say he's 95% perfect, because well, I can't let his head get to big. We are a military family, and darn proud of it. I'm also a military brat, but spent most of my childhood in North Dakota. I'm a midwest girl, grew up on beef and potatoes, so living in central california, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who doesn't like sushi. haha.
2. What ignited your passion for photography? What fuels it now?
My passion was ignited after my second son was born, about 3.5 years ago. My mom bought us a camera, so I started playing around with it, and never looked back. My passion is still fueled from photographing my boys, it always was, is, and will be where my heart is.
3. What's in your camera bag?
My 6d, and my 28 mm f1.8. Oh, and some extra sd cards and batteries.
My favorite thing to shoot with right now is the 2 things mentioned above. I just recently upgraded my camera body, and I've made that thing my b**** these past few months. haha. My least favorite thing to shoot with is a flash!! I hate it, dread it, never want to use it.
4. What's your dream shoot?
My dream would to be a documentary journalist. I would give anything to travel and document real life issues, things that are happening right now all over the world. To me a photo is more powerful then words, but put the 2 together, and it's magic.
5. What is your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge is time and marketing. I just don't have enough time in the day. lol. I see people who are blogging, doing client sessions, personal projects, all at the same time. I'm all over here like, shoot, did I remember to make my son a sandwich for his lunch today?
6. If you had $500 to spend on photography...
If I had 500 dollars I should probably put it into our retirement. I know so adult of me. haha. I wish I could go on a shopping spree, and buy a ton of unneeded clothes, or a new camera bag. I would really spend it on groceries, and bills.
7. Is there any advice you wish you had gotten at the beginning of your journey?
Yes! To not forget to be apart of the memory, and I don't mean by getting in the frame. For the last 3 years, and even now, I take my camera EVERYWHERE with me, it's like a 3rd arm. Anyway, just recently, I started thinking how I'm always photographing my kids doing things or parts of their day for me to remember, but what about them? I love that they will know it's something I loved, but I want them to have more then that. It's ok to not pick up your camera and to just really enjoy and be in the moment with them. Not everything has to be documented. :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
{all time favorite}
This week, we asked for your {all time favorites} and WOW! What a gorgeous flood of photos filled up the Snap Maven feed. It wasn't easy, but in no particular order, here are the top ten from your {all time favorites}.
Monday, September 28, 2015
The Maven Flyer Vol. 40
Welcome to
The Maven Flyer
Vol. 40
For the week of September 28, 2015
Here we will offer suggestions for places for you to submit your images
for sharing and competition.
If you have or know of a sharing community or theme, please let us know
by emailing the name, link, and specifics to
Include "Please Add This Page to the Flyer"
in the subject line so we won't miss it.
Include "Please Add This Page to the Flyer"
in the subject line so we won't miss it.
At this time you will need to visit each page to learn the specifics of the pages
rules and deadlines for sharing images.
Happy Sharing Everyone!
Distorted Beauty~ Out of your comfort zone
In Beauty & Chaos~ I'm here too, Weekly Favorites
The Dark Room~ Weekly favorite
The Gratitude Collaborative ~ Windows, doors, mirrors
Fantastically Flawed~ Stay gold
Giggles&Goldfish~Everyday Favorites
Picture Me Project~Include yourself in the image somehow!
We Were There Too~ Get in the photo with your kids!
Lemonade and Lenses~Weekly Favorite
Mozi Magazine~Weekly Favorite
Seniorologie~ Weekly Favorite(senior)
Measure In Love~ Hearts
Photographer's Connection~Weekly Favorite
Photo Artistry~ Wind (all September), Weekly favorite
EX.OH Blog ~ Weekly favorite
Light Inspired~ Framed, weekly favorite
M4HP~ Hope
30 Minutes in the Life~ The long way home (with me) (September)
Reflections~ Weekly faves
Sweet Little Muse~ (on a break- no theme)
Little Bellows~ Autumn, Weekly favorite
Photo Corner~ weekly favorite
By The Light~ Golden
Life's Experience p52~ On the shelf
The Monochromatic Lens~Weekly Favorite
My Beautifully Chaotic Lifestyle~ Beautifully Chaotic
Let the Kids Dress Themselves~ Gold (all September)
SHOTMagazine~ open, one photo per day
The Organic PhotograpHERS~ Light (women only)
Honestly, Photography ~ in hiatus till 2016
CLICK STYLE~ Gold or Hope all September
The Snappy Mama~ Responsibility
Photographer Obsessed~ on pause
In shadow of life~BW weekly favorites
Poétique~ I need to touch your life and leave a joy ..,....
an inspiration ...So you will love me soon in reality ...
... not imagination ...
Boys Will Be Boys~Weekly Favorite
The Snap Society ~ Weekly favorite
Life Unscripted- Hope
Project:life your way: weekly favorites
The Artistic Tog: Landscape
Pearls and Roses: Cozy
Dear Photographer~Weekly favorite
Sham of the Perfect~ At the park
Life In Loud~ Weekly favorites shot from the heart
Fearless and Framed~ Honestly documented
Inspire me, Inspired be.- Looking away
The Red Cape Project~ Don a Red Cape, superhero pose and tell us your superpower
Life's Experience p52~ On the shelf
The Monochromatic Lens~Weekly Favorite
My Beautifully Chaotic Lifestyle~ Beautifully Chaotic
Let the Kids Dress Themselves~ Gold (all September)
SHOTMagazine~ open, one photo per day
The Organic PhotograpHERS~ Light (women only)
Honestly, Photography ~ in hiatus till 2016
Minimalist Mondays ~Weekly fave
Euphoric Capture~ HopeCLICK STYLE~ Gold or Hope all September
The Snappy Mama~ Responsibility
Photographer Obsessed~ on pause
In shadow of life~BW weekly favorites
Poétique~ I need to touch your life and leave a joy ..,....
an inspiration ...So you will love me soon in reality ...
... not imagination ...
Boys Will Be Boys~Weekly Favorite
The Snap Society ~ Weekly favorite
Life Unscripted- Hope
Project:life your way: weekly favorites
The Artistic Tog: Landscape
Pearls and Roses: Cozy
Dear Photographer~Weekly favorite
Sham of the Perfect~ At the park
Life In Loud~ Weekly favorites shot from the heart
Fearless and Framed~ Honestly documented
Inspire me, Inspired be.- Looking away
The Red Cape Project~ Don a Red Cape, superhero pose and tell us your superpower
That concludes the links for this week!
If there is a link you'd like to see here, please let us know at
Include "Please Add This Page to the Flyer"
in the subject line so we won't miss it.
Include "Please Add This Page to the Flyer"
in the subject line so we won't miss it.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for addition to The Maven Flyer
Same goes for errors, though we hope to get those fixed right away.
Future issues of The Maven Flyer will be posted on Monday evenings.
Future issues of The Maven Flyer will be posted on Monday evenings.
You can't get featured if you don't submit!!
Go for it!
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
Feature Friday with Momma Got Soul Photography!
Kelly Haymes of Momma Got Soul Photography is the winner of last week's 'wild things' challenge, and she has graciously shared more of her gorgeous work here today, as well as given us a peek into her camera bag, and her life!
1. Please tell us about yourself...
I am a wife and mother of 2; a 4yr old and an almost 2 yr old. I stay up late, try to sleep late (thank goodness for cosleeping), and drink lots of coffee and beer (usually in that order, but not always). I live in sunny (which means really hot) central Florida, never go to the beach or Disney, but try to hike in the woods as much as I can.
2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
My style tends to be all over the place, so this question is hard, but I would say I am trying to lean more towards a simple, fine art film look. (Trying is the optimal word there)
3. What sparked your passion for photography?
Life. I remember a time when I said I would never photograph people, now that’s all I do. I think it started with wanting to explore the world and capture that to share with people. Now I want to capture people to share with the world.
4. What's in your camera bag right now?
My trusty Canon 6D, the Sigma 35ART, and the canon 85 1.8. I have a few other lenses that never see the light of day, and I’m hoping to add some more in the future (aren’t we all)
5. What is your dream shoot or project?
Now this is a tough question, I don’t really have one. Is that sad? I am much more of a fly by the seat of my pants kinda person that I don’t really dream of things far away.
6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?
That everything was a simple as just clicking a button. That you had to spend big money for big gear to do anything. The other big thing was I thought pro’s knew everything and never had to fiddle to get things right. They always knew exactly how to set the light or the perfect spot the instant they started shooting. While this is correct to some degree, they still take test shots, and move people around until they get the person in the right spot. They know how to gracefully bale from something that isn’t working instead of just pushing harder to make it work. These are things that come from time and experience. While I feel ten times more confident today than I did one year ago, two years ago, I know I have a long way to go!
7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
Learn. Scour the web for education, take classes, find a mentor, take business classes, learn how to brand yourself, and just keep trying. Fine wine takes time to develop!
2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
My style tends to be all over the place, so this question is hard, but I would say I am trying to lean more towards a simple, fine art film look. (Trying is the optimal word there)
3. What sparked your passion for photography?
Life. I remember a time when I said I would never photograph people, now that’s all I do. I think it started with wanting to explore the world and capture that to share with people. Now I want to capture people to share with the world.
4. What's in your camera bag right now?
My trusty Canon 6D, the Sigma 35ART, and the canon 85 1.8. I have a few other lenses that never see the light of day, and I’m hoping to add some more in the future (aren’t we all)
5. What is your dream shoot or project?
Now this is a tough question, I don’t really have one. Is that sad? I am much more of a fly by the seat of my pants kinda person that I don’t really dream of things far away.
6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?
That everything was a simple as just clicking a button. That you had to spend big money for big gear to do anything. The other big thing was I thought pro’s knew everything and never had to fiddle to get things right. They always knew exactly how to set the light or the perfect spot the instant they started shooting. While this is correct to some degree, they still take test shots, and move people around until they get the person in the right spot. They know how to gracefully bale from something that isn’t working instead of just pushing harder to make it work. These are things that come from time and experience. While I feel ten times more confident today than I did one year ago, two years ago, I know I have a long way to go!
7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
Learn. Scour the web for education, take classes, find a mentor, take business classes, learn how to brand yourself, and just keep trying. Fine wine takes time to develop!
Find more of Kelly's fabulous work here:
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
{wild thing}
"...And the walls became the world around..." -Maurice Sendak- Where the Wild Things Are.
I chose the theme because I thought it would be a good opportunity for photographers to capture some wild and magical moments and WOW, you absolutely did!
Here are my top ten picks in no particular order:
This image has some definite wow factor! It has the look of a fashion image with amazing color and movement but it in relationship to the theme it says "I can't be tamed."
Awesome shot, Breanna!
We wild things need to stick together! I love the perspective of this lifestyle image in relationship to the theme. Very nostalgic, it feels like childhood.
No matter how tame we become, we will always be wild things.
Wonderful image, Angee!
This is a fantastic image! The composition, emotion and expression are perfect!
Thank you for sharing your wild thing with us, Toya!
What a stunning image! I love this very creative and artistic interpretation of the theme!
A framer for sure!
Thank you so much for sharing your wild thing with us, Jamie!
An absolutely breathtaking image, perfectly framed, perfectly lit and it fits the theme perfectly. Thank you for sharing your wild thing with us and
I hope you print this one very, very BIG!
Amazing, Nadia!
Sit back and observe these two wild things in their natural habitat.
Pro tip: ALWAYS buy the washable markers.
This picture made me laugh out loud, it is so perfect!
Awesome capture of the everyday life of your wild things, Anna!
Talk about nailing a theme! Christy's literal interpretation is out of this world!
I absolutely love this composite and the spectacular detail and tones.
Fantastic job, Christy!
I love this submission by Elle Newlands. This beautiful stylized shot fit the theme perfectly.
I love the tones, the light and the mystery in this image. Well done, Elle!
This image is amazing! I swear I went back and stared at it multiple times!
His eyes and his FEIRCE expression scream "wild thing."
I love the contrast and detail as well. Amazing image, Vicki!
This stopped me in my tracks! It fit the theme so well!
I love the movement of the children,
the mystery of the scene and the moon added an extra bit of magic!
Amazing shot, Meagan!
And the winner is.........
This image from Kelly Haymes blew me away! It encompasses the theme perfectly and tells just enough of a story to make you wonder what will come next!
Two wild things embarking on an adventure, the blue tone of the water makes it feel like it could be nighttime or a magical world that the children are exploring.
Love it! Congratulations Kelly!
Thank you so much to the Snap Maven team for having me and congratulations to all of the featured artists! I look forward to seeing more of your inspirational work!
Sincerely, Angie
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