
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Meet This week's Judge: Maria Masse

This week, we have Maria of Fearless and Framed Photography, judging those images that show a bond. We asked her to share a few of her own images, and some insight into her work.

1. Tell us about yourself…

I binge shows on Netflix, listen to the stories within country songs, create photos filled with real character, personality, bonds, and emotions that feel like taking a bite into an old penny-candy memory… because the more real-life moments I pour into my photography, the more self-fulfillment and perfectly matched clients I get in return. 10 Truth-bombs about me:

I love a good chick-flick like It’s Complicated, the Help, Dirty Dancing, or How to Marry a Millionaire
Dave and I have been together since 2007 and met at a concert due to my liquid confidence in asking him if he had a band-aid or knew where the first-aid area was… true story.
My daughter was born on Halloween – which was my wish my entire pregnancy.
My son already is the most caring person I know.
I drive a truck.
Classic BBQ or pizza are my favorite
Cheesy bread from Jet’s seduces me… and is the likely reason I want to lose 30 pounds.
The sound of a ticking clock drives me insane.
I can sing all 50 states in alphabetical order… the singing part is debatable. I WISH more than anything I could sing in tune – though it doesn’t stop me from belting it out in the car.
My friends say that I am an incredible listener and have an annoying tenancy to see the silver-lining in any situation.

2. What ignited your passion for photography, and what fuels it now?

Loss! I had the best childhood and the best life before kids. Not that my life is bad with kids, but there are many things from my newlywed life and childhood that I miss dearly – like our breakfast dates, laying in bed til noon if we wanted… you know?
With each changing season, there are things I’d love to re-experience and people I’d love to spend another day with. And for those reasons, it’s my heart and soul to photograph the now so I can have nights on my country porch later getting lost in conversation + visual memories of the past. And I think much bigger than primarily photographing children – it’s about all relationships and phases in life. What better way to fuel your heart with joy?

3. What’s in your camera bag right now, what do use the most? the least?

Nikon D4, Canon 5D Mark III. Yes, it wasn’t the smartest choice to have to invest in to brands, but I love each for different reasons. My favorite lens lately has been my 24-70… coming from being a prime-only girl. I love this lens, because I don’t have to run so fast with the kids. When I shoot weddings or adult sessions, my 50mm is my BFF. Though the product is useful, I’m finding my least used bag item is an Expodisc.

4. What’s your dream project or shoot?

A worldwide documentary photography journey…one where I can bring the family along and let them share in my experiences. I’m also kind of weird and love the idea of shooting newborns in the night – the draining experience of those wake-ups and seeing how different parents keep themselves awake, how they bond, and seeing them in those weakest points, because I know seeing the photos later will feel empowering that they conquered that phase. But that’s just me. My son woke every 90 minutes like clockwork the first 2 ½ months of life and it was the hardest thing ever for me.

5. What is the biggest challenge you face as a photographer?

Pulling myself out of the zone once I’m in it…. whether shooting, growing the business side, it’s hard to turn it all off and remember “oh hey, I’m a wife… and a mom… and a friend… and probably could use a little more me-time.”

6. If you had $500 to spend on photography...

Ok, I’m going to assume this means for someone that is starting their photography business and has their camera + a favorite lens + computer + editing software already, because those are the first 4 necessary things in my opinion.
How should you spend it? Calibration device $250. $100 portfolio review from a photographer that shares a similar shooting style. $100 on a business mastermind group. $100 to get your blog up and running.
How do you wish you could spend it? Pretty packaging items, custom web design
How would you really spend it? I’m actually about to get on a call at 2 p.m. to hire a V.A., so they can take some of my workload, which should in return bring me happier clients and more clients.

7. Is there any one thing you wish someone had told you at the very beginning of your photography journey?

Potential client’s aren’t going to come banging on your door demand to book a session. It’s important to understand marketing and actively market to keep driving new clients. Cultivating your relationships with current and past clients + taking action to attract new clients have equal importance. 

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