
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

{beautiful disaster}

Oh my word!  
The other guest judges were right when they say how hard it is to choose their favorites.  
I am humbled, inspired, and awed by all the different interpretations of {beautiful disasters} everyone posted this week.  

Every time I thought I had it narrowed down to my top 10, I came across another amazing capture.  Bravo to all who submitted!  A special shout-out to a few that would've made the favorites if I was allowed to pick a few more: Lucy Ketchum for the car wash in the amazing light; Jesy Boales for that great graffiti wall; Elizabeth Keefe for the cute little one digging in the DVD bin; Lauren Sanderson for the wonderful playroom; and Lynette Marie for that interesting capture of the sinks graveyard.

But, without further ado - here are the choices for Beautiful Disaster (in no particular order):

Jennifer Leuzze from Jon Thomas Photography
There is something about old, abandoned buildings that is so intriguing.  Can you imagine the stories this forgotten prison could tell?  And the leading lines and light in this capture lends itself perfectly to that clandestineness. 


If you had a chance to glance through my guest judge feature post you'll know that I have a special place in my heart for birth photography.  The emotions are so raw and real and happy and … messy.  Definitely indicative of a beautiful disaster!  
Welcome to the world little one!


When you need to primp like the princess you are, a full purse isn't going to stop you!  
The focus here draws me right into that precious beauty 
in the middle of this disaster she created.


I kept coming back to this image because every time I look at it I find something else to love.  Shoes on the table, baby under the table, life piled high on the sideboard, a toothbrush (?!).  This is real life and it is beautiful!


Like Joy's picture above, I loved letting my eyes travel around this capture to take it all in.  The fact that this little boy (sitting in very pretty light with great pops of color!) can find some calm and peace among the chaos behind him is a great reminder to find beauty everywhere.  


This picture transported me right back into my childhood when my brothers had thousands of legos all over the house!  Couple that with the beautiful light, interesting perspective, joyful expressions, and photobombing cat (can you find it?) and this was definitely in the top 10 for me.


I want to know this little person!  I think they could be best friends with my own toddler who ends up like this after most meals, too.  But look at that expression!!  And the conversion is lovely, too.  PS - I also loved Holly's other submission with the overalls.


The colors, the rust, the processing, the composition, the American-made.  Love! Love! Love!


First of all, is there anything cuter than a little baby butt?  (I say that in the most non-creepy way possible).  This is also a scene I often see in my own house – potty training, ugh!  In so many ways absolutely a beautiful disaster of a milestone.


The dirt, the bugs, the jeans: I don't have little boys, but this is how I imagine life to be like with them all the time.  Maighen's processing and focus also adds to the dirty, messy mood.


And the winner is:

Shelley Reis from  My Captured Life
WOW!  This perfectly exemplifies the quote: "I'm beautifully broken, perfectly imperfect, beautiful in my flaws. All together, I am a beautiful disaster" ~ anonymous.  I love the composition with the children included and the symbolism of the butterfly tattoo as well. 

Thank you so much to everyone who embraced this theme and submitted this week!  Once again, I was completely blown away by all the different interpretations.
Kari Ganske
Kari Ganske Photography
Instagram: kvgansk

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