
Friday, May 1, 2015

Feature Friday with Natalie Roy Photography!

The wonderfully talented Natalie of Natalie Roy Photography was the winner of our 'at the park' challenge last week, and today she is giving us a look at her her dream shoot, her camera gear, and sharing some more of her amazing work!

1.  Please tell us about yourself...

I am a horse loving mom of 2 that lives in the rocky mountains of Alberta Canada. I love learning new things and building stuff made out of scraps of wood. I have been a dog groomer for almost 20 years.

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?

Playful, fantasy and cinematic
I don’t really feel like I have a real style as I just do what I want, when I want. But I do feel my photos have a playful edge to them, even the darker ones, I love all things fantasy and I feel like I draw almost all of my inspiration from films and TV shows. I definitely feel like my composition comes from cinema. 

3. What sparked your passion for photography?

Right at the start, my kids. I was happy snapping away on auto but in all honesty what pushed me to learn more was that I wanted to be a big name in the scrapbook industry and the good ones all seemed to have professional looking photos on their pages ….. It didn't take long for the photography bug to hit me hard. 

4. What's in your camera bag right now?

I shoot both Nikon and Pentax, I shoot both about equally 
I have a Nikon d600 with the 50 mm f1.4 and the 135mm f2
And the Pentax I have is the K-3 with a 16-50 mm f2.8 and a 50 -135 f2.8 

5. What is your dream shoot or project?

 I would really would love to be known in the Cosplay community to preserve their costumes in a natural setting …. They spend a fortune in time and money to make those costumes that are then photographed in a parking lot of a comic con. I find that really sad. 

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?

I really did think that photography would be easy to learn to do well and obviously I know better now as I don’t feel like I even know half of what there is to know. 

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
I really enjoyed my journey, even with the ups and downs. So my advice would be to just keep shooting …..It will all come together but you need to practice everyday.
I sure wish somebody would have told me not to buy everything in sight, I haven’t used most of the stuff I bought over the years.

Find more of Natalie's fabulous work here:

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