
Friday, April 3, 2015

Feature Friday with Courtney of Momentologie Photography!

The sweet and talented Courtney Maltman of Momentologie Photography is the winner of last week's 'wherever you are'' challenge.  We have featured Courtney in the past (and you can read her interview here) so she has shared some more of her gorgeous work, as well as some insight into how she worked her way out of a creativity slump.

"First let me say what an honor it was for me to win top honor for the {wherever you are} challenge, judged by the amazingly talented Elise Meader! I mean, I have been swooning over all of her recent maternity portraits, so I just sat in shock that she chose one of mine! Also, big huge hugs to you all at Snap Maven for giving me the opportunity to once again show my work, I am humbled.

I wanted to share with you all a quick little story about creativity slumps. You see, I live in New York, and in NY it is winter for what seems like an eternity. It is not uncommon to have snow on the ground from November through April. When you are a natural light photographer who does 95% of your work outside, the endless gray, cold and mundane days can drag down your creative soul. Which is what happened to me this year. I hardly picked up my camera at all for 2 months! So, on a freezing (and I mean FREEZING! like negative 20°) day in February, I had had enough of the slump. I went out and bought some flowers, dressed my daughter in a beautiful lace dress, and sat her near the front window, where we get the most light in out house. I knew what I wanted to do and used the natural beauty that comes with flowers, my enormous love for the little girl I birthed, and the soft winter light. I detached my lens and freelensed about a hundred images in ten minutes. What came of that ten minutes are some of my favorite images I have ever taken. Then when I started feeling that way again (that muddy, cloudy way), I bought another bouquet of flowers and went freelensing crazy in front of that glorious front window. I found my creative inspiration in a piece of summer, that I found in the winter. Here are just a small few of those images I took to get myself out of the winter funk/creativity slump. I would love to hear how you get out of your own creativity funk!"

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