
Sunday, June 1, 2014

This Week's Guest Judge: Kate T. Parker

This week we have the brilliant talent behind Kate T Parker Photography helping us the judge the "excitement" theme. Read about her here! 

1. Tell us about yourself...

I am Kate, a wife, mother of two silly, ridiculous and awesome girls, and a photographer. I am a  lover of diet sunkist, the beaches of florida's gulf coast, laughing until I cry, a good, hard run, cookie dough, mexican food and any competitive game that there is. 

2. What ignited your passion for photography, and what fuels it now?

Like so many others, the birth of my first child got me shooting more and more.  I wanted to capture her and then my second child  in a way that my skills didn't match.  I wanted my skills to catch up with what I saw in my mind....still not there yet.  :)  

3. What's in your camera bag right now, what do use the most? the least?

I have a Nikon D3s, a Nikon D700, an ikelite underwater housing for the D700, nikkor 28mm/2.8 lens, a nikkor 50mm/1.4 lens, and an 85 mm/1.8 lens.  I use the 28 most of the time!  Love that lens.  I rarely use the 85, if ever.  The 50 mostly for portraits.

4. What's your dream project or shoot?

I'd love a large benefactor to call me and ask me to document young surfer girls in Hawaii.  I could shoot strong young amazing women in a ridiculously beautiful place and also get to shoot underwater, which I love. 

5. What is the biggest challenge you face as a photographer?

Narrowing my focus.  I shoot so many things, fine art, family, commercial, weddings, etc., that I am not sure if I should only focus on one thing or keep shooting whatever I like.  

6.  If you had $500 to spend on photography...

Hmm....this is fun!  I'd love to get a wider lens than my 28.  Does anyone have suggestions on a good one??  

7. Is there any one thing you wish someone had told you at the very beginning of your photography journey?

Buy good equipment at the beginning.  You're going to upgrade soon enough.  Spend the money once.  Not twice.  Oh, and listen to, follow and believe in your gut at all costs. 

Thank you so much for joining us this week, Kate! 

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