
Friday, June 13, 2014

Feature Friday with Pam from 1000 Words Photography by Pam and Carrie!!!

Pam Bowman from 1000 Words Photography by Pam and Carrie was the winner of our 'passion' challenge last week and we're so excited to learn more about her!

  • 1. Please tell us about yourself...

  • 1. I am born and raised on Long Island, NY. At almost 37 years old, I am a mother to two absolutely amazing and artistic children, and I swear I only thought I knew what love was before them. That said, I am also married to the most kind hearted, warm, genuine and supportive man in the universe who loves more fiercely and works harder than anybody I know. When I love, I love with every ounce of me, but when I'm indifferent it's complete. My favorite days are family days, especially at the beach. The bluest of blue skies make me so happy, and watching my kids sing and dance with their friends in the sand and the waves is totally mesmerizing to me. I love to exercise but hate to eat healthy- but I usually TRY to be good....
    2.       Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?

    2. I am a dreamer and a realist. I reach for the impossible but accept my limitations. I know my place in the world and try to change what I can but am comfortable with where I am. I try to reflect those two things in my work.... I love natural smiles and laughter and family. That is the essence of what I want to see in my work. The natural interactions between people who love each other. I hope that is what I am conveying so far, but I also know I have a very long way to go!
    3.       What sparked your passion for photography?

    3. I caught the photography bug fairly young. I remember my older sister telling me to make sure she was centered in her photos, but to push her head a little toward the top. That is when I fell in love with composition... and the rest just sorta started falling into place around it.
    4.       What's in your camera bag right now?

    4. I'm a nikon. Love the nikon. While my bag is stocked with enough to get me through the rainiest of days and the sunniest too, I prefer my 70-200 lens and my lens bear that makes kids laugh and smile just when they hit their cranky point.
    5.       What is your dream shoot or project?

    5. Dream shoot. thats tough. So far each shoot has been a dream come true, because each shoot brings a new level of confidence in myself that I never knew I had... my ideal shoots involve families or children who express genuine happiness and love, and i'm going to stick with that as a dream come true when I can capture it effectively.
    6.       What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?

    6. My earliest misconceptions were that I could worry post shoot about the perfect pics, because we photogs can fix so much with a really killer edit. NOT! SOOC shots that need very little editing turn out to be my best quality and most genuine photos.... and as another photographer told me early on in this journey, that's quite a rookie mistake. Another misconception I had early on was that this could be a dog eat dog kinda world. However, I've come to realize that the people in this community work together better than any other career out there, offering constant support and criticism (constructive, of course) and I am so thankful to the more experienced photographers that have helped me along the way... as well as the newbie photos who have helped pushed me further along.
    7.       What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?

    7. Advice for newbies.... hmmmm.... every time I pick up my camera I feel like a newbie. I am constantly growing and learning and evolving what I do and hope that I will never be 100% satisfied with anything I shoot. I hope that every newbie (and experienced) photog feels the exact same way. Learn, evolve, adapt!!! Oh and don't forget to remember why we caught this bug.... every. single. day.

Find more of Pam's beautiful work here:

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