
Friday, January 24, 2014

Featured Friday with Erin Hensley Photography!

This week's Featured Friday is the uber talented and incredibly awesome Erin Hensley of Erin Hensley Photography!!! Her work is fabulous and she also just happens to be a beautiful person, inside and out.

So, without further ado...

1. Please tell us about yourself...

I am a storytelling lifestyle photographer, a wife and mother. We are currently living in North Idaho (where I grew up) but before this, we lived in Japan and then the UAE (United Arab Emirates) - where we will be going back to later this year. My love of photography started long before having children, but they have taken me to a whole new world of photography. Before having children, I solely enjoyed photographing the land, never people, but they changed that. Between my passion for seeing and capturing the beauty in all things, having children who have given me a path to follow, and our travels both at home and overseas, becoming totally enveloped in this art was inevitable.

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words? 

Raw, honest, emotive.

I use these 3 words to describe my work because I strive to capture pure, natural images that will take you back to a moment and bring back a flood of memories. I want my images to show emotion and make my viewers feel something when they look at them. I want my images to tell a real story of something that really happened. A raw, honest and emotive photograph that tells a story.

3. What sparked your passion for photography?

I’ve always had a love for photography, as long as I can remember. I’ve always had an eye for taking photos. When I’m out and about, I look at things and imagine the scene as a photo. So I guess what sparked my passion for photography would simply be things like the sun poking out after a thunderstorm, watching a sunrise while driving down the highway, or the way the water shimmers when the sun is shining. Noticing all those little things around me and having the desire to capture them with a camera is what gives me my passion. Having kids of course made that grow into something more. I wanted to be able to capture their daily life and do it well. So now my passion has of course increased immensely. :)

4. What's in your camera bag right now?

Canon 5D Mark III, 35mm 2.0, 50mm 1.4, 20mm 2.8, 85mm 1.8, gum, chapstick, bribing candy, spare battery, macro filter, lens cleaning brush

5. What is your dream shoot or project?

As much as I LOVE capturing people, I really have a passion for landscape photography. I would love to go on a trip with a group of other landscape photographers, pretty much anywhere in the world JUST to shoot beautiful places.

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?

That it would be an easy way to make some extra money as a stay at home mom. That was the biggest misconception for me. I wanted to offer affordable portraits for people while doing something I loved. It seems simple, but it’s really not. There is so much that goes into just photography alone, let alone running a photography business.

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?

Take it slow. Don’t be in a rush to start a business, or to load up on props, or buy all the best gear, or to do everything everyone else is doing. Take the time to really learn this art. In the process, you’ll learn more about yourself and what direction you want to go with your business. Be an observer and soak up as much as you can from those that are more experienced than you. I started out trying to rush everything and then I realized that there would be time for for the business side of things later. The most important thing is knowing your camera and knowing what your heart loves to capture.

Look at photos. Look at lots and lots of photos. Study them and critique them. Even if you don’t think you are good enough to be critiquing someone else’s photo, do it. Studying a photo will help you learn and grow so much. I promise. :)

Take on a photo project. Whether it’s a Project 52 or a 365 or anything else, I really encourage everyone to tackle a project and stick with it. It’s amazing how much you will grow and learn if you really put time and effort into one.
And one more little piece of advice, which is kind of a big one in my book, is be kind to other photographers. Be an encourager. Whether they live in another country or right down the road. Don’t get wrapped up in the dark side of this industry. You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose from befriending fellow photographers. Don’t be jealous or worried they will take away from your business. Enjoy time with them, in person, online, whatever and learn from them. Having friends who share your passion is an amazing thing and I highly recommend it! ;) 

Thank you so much for spending some time with us and allowing us into your beautiful world Erin!!! To see more of Erin's gorgeous work, please find her at or on facebook at erin hensley photography!! 

1 comment:

  1. My friend suggested me to visit your blog. Very well explained... Photographs for Sale
