
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


First of all, thank you!! for having me as a guest judge this week. I am very thankful and honored. There were so many beautiful images submitted! I really really wanted to include more than ten in this post!!!

"The sky, a perfect empty canvas, offers clouds nonetheless. They shift and drift and beg interpretation... such is the nature of art." ~Jeb Dickerson

I melted with that quote that filled my heart with inspiration and then, I melted hundred more times with the images submitted. I found more than ten as my "favorites" so I had to focus on the theme and let the images speak to me through their skies. Here they are. Beautifully captured. The always witness of so many stories to be told and remembered. The sky.

Please note that these images are in no order of preference.

That yellow "feather" caught my attention and very quickly made me fly into the cotton clouds surrounding it. First I saw the yellow, then I just appreciated that blue sunny sky which brought me feelings of happiness and just could not stop admiring it. Love the composition of this image. Love seeing those three girls. Their little hands in different positions saying a little bit about each of them. Love the beautiful colorful outfits. This image tells me a story that I want to know more about. Love the details captured and the clean and beautiful edit. It is such so perfect to me.

Talking about beautiful skies. The lines in this image are just gorgeous. The composition brings my eyes to the "right" places. I want to be there when I see it. Want that warm sun to caress my face and feel such peace as this image brings to my soul. The tones are so beautiful and the light is just stunning. It is definitely a "sky" image where my eyes first fly and then go to the ground to find so much more beauty.

I want to take off my shoes and feel the warm sand in a peaceful day. This image tells me so much that I would not stop in one day =). Love the sky in here. How the day says hello (or bye?) to the night. The wonder if the people are arriving or leaving. Love the movement but still, the calm. The composition in this capture is just BEAUTIFUL!.



 I was looking for skies and just found them all over in this image. And the warmth of the sun invited me to stay looking at it for hours. And the dark vertical lines, and the connection through the bridge of the left and right just was so beautiful to me. Love the way the artist played with exposure, leaving just some little details to be captured by the eye and yet, leaving the silhouette tell the story. This is another beautiful "sky" entry. Love it.

How something so small seems to be so big and something so big, seems to be so small? The beauty in the perspectives, in the distances, and in putting the 3D in a 2D capture. Love the way the artist work with the lines and the positioning of the subject. What is the main subject here? the moon? the bird? the sky...? How beautiful are the images that can tell you so much!. I also love the tones in this image. Just like being in the sky. * sigh *


"... and when I was I kid I just dreamt that I could fly..." and the sticks where swords and the stones big
ships. I love when I see so much in a photograph. When even not being my kids I would not hesitate to
buy it and hang it on one of the walls in my own house. Those are the strong images you never forget.
 Love the story behind. That probably is not the one the artist is telling but the one your soul is
interpreting. The capture of the sky here is just perfect. Full of elements that make your eyes going from the top corner to the bottom opposite one. My eyes just scanned this image and enjoyed everything they
 saw. Love the composition. Love the colors, the elements, the natural spontaneous capture. Love the
movement and the life in this image.


I feel like if I walk through that path I will arrive to heaven!! So beautifully done. The lines in this image 

are so strong. I see lines horizontally, vertically, oblicuas, straight and not. The first thing I saw was the 

sky and I loved it. Loved the clouds and their shapes. The strong sunny color. Saw the greens in the grass 

and the subject just starting their journey together. And adventure. I wanted to be there too!. Love the 

composition and the clean way the artist used the light in the moment of the photoshoot and in the post

processing. Stunning image.


His smile made me smile and the sky just gave him the perfect hug. I love it. Love this peaceful moment captured. The movement frozen for ever in such simple and exquisite way. Love to see his little smile in the center of the image, and the soft colored sky framing the capture.

How many sunsets these two might have seen together? How many more they will see? gosh, this is the cutest thing ever! I fell in love with the warmth in this picture. The warmth of the golden hour light and the warmth of that little hug Those yellow flowers balancing colors in such a beautiful way. The tones in this image are just so beautiful. The green of the grass complementing the yellows. The cropping and the usage of light are just so perfect to me. This is a beautiful sky photograph!!

And the winner is.........

The focus, the out of focus, the light, the tones, the composition, the perspective, the use of shades and

highlights... so many things I could say are just perfect to me in this image. It is clearly a sky capture 

because I can feel it is the center of the attention, but at the same time, the nature was captured in a way 

to give such a beautiful frame to that little girl. Her hand up. The story behind and the story built in my 

mind when I saw... it is just beautiful 

Congratulations to Michelle and to all the amazing photographers picked. 
You ladies are so talented and inspiring! 

Love to all, happy week, Cris

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