
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

{mobile photography}

Lynn Demaray Photography

  I want to be in this photo.  The joy of childhood and the beauty of a sinking sun.


The way her feet make the water ripple... such a reminder of life. 
The reflection of the trees and the curiosity of what she looks like draws me in even further.

What a gorgeous world we get to enjoy. 
 This is so well done: the composition, the edit, the 

 I feel the surge of deep thinking and self reflection when I see this image.  I wonder what she was thinking about.


  Motion gets me every time.  The spotted light reminds me of summer afternoons. 


Kids are hilarious.  We should be more like them.  I love everything about this.


Clare Barker Wells Photography

The composition is so interesting. 
 Her timid single leg splash reminds me of grace.


Lens & Beauty

 The light. The light.  The light.  The end.


 Little child.  Big world.  I can't even believe this was shot with a phone.  Totally gorgeous.



Jamie Faulkner Photography

 The stripe light mesmerizes me.  The peace of sleeping makes me smile.

Michelle L. Morris


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Meet This Week's Judge: Michelle Morris!

This week, we have the amaxingly talented Michelle of Michelle L. Morris Photography. Her style is immediately recognizable: minimal and emotive, and always beautiful. Read a little more about her here:

1. Tell us about yourself:

 I’m a full time, natural light, childhood and commercial photographer living in
Savannah, GA USA. I am a homeschool mom to three boys (ages 9, 5 and 3). I’m
married to my hottie high school sweetheart and if I wasn’t a photographer, I’d be a
chef. Maybe one day I can be both. I’ve enjoyed watching my “for photographers”
business grow over the last two years. I just published my third e-book and I can’t wait
to write another one.

2. What ignited your passion for photography? What fuels it now?

My passion for photography has always existed... as far back as childhood. I don’t
know what ignited my love for imagery all those years ago. The need to preserve
moments has always lived inside of me. Photography seemed like a natural
progression. What fuels my passion for photography now? Everything. Light, people,
my children, emotion, grass, sky, water.... everything I see provides inspiration for me.

3. What's in your camera bag?

I’m super minimal. I have the Canon 5D Mark iii and the 85mm f/1.2L and the 35mm
f/1.4L. That’s it. I use the 85 about 70% of the time. I love both lenses, for different

4. What's your dream project?

My dream project would be a successful documentation of my boys life. I would love
to consistently shoot over the next 15 years and have an amazing finished piece to give
each child when they leave the nest.

5. What's the biggest challenge you face as a photographer?

Balance. With no close second.

6. If you had $500 to spend on photography...

What should you do with it?  Only $500, I should probably save it.

What do you wish you could do with it?  I wish I could find a deal on a new iPad, underwater housing, laptop, lensbaby and camera bag for $500 OTD.

What would you do with it? Probably on a new camera bag and maybe a lensbaby.

7. What do you wish someone had told you at the beginning of your journey in photography?

I wish I had accepted that time and practice are of utmost importance in building
your craft. I wanted my imagery to be great, right away. I didn’t enjoy the journey. I
wish I had.

{mobile photography} Mavenista Style

Eastview Photography

"I hope you never lose your sense of wonder"
I Hope You Dance


Phyllis Meredith Photography


“For whatever we lose (a you or a me)
It's always ourselves we find in the sea.” 


“Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.” 


Monday, July 28, 2014

The Maven Flyer Vol. 22

Welcome to 
 The Maven Flyer
Vol. 22
For the week of July 28, 2014

Here we will offer suggestions for places for you to submit your images
for sharing and competition.
If you have or know of a sharing community or theme, please let us know
by emailing the name, link, and specifics to

At this time you will need to visit each page to learn the specifics of the pages 
rules and deadlines for sharing images.

Happy Sharing Everyone!

Snap Maven ~ Birthday, Weekly Favorite, Experiments
Clicking Moms ~ Joy
Distorted Beauty~ Mistake
In Beauty & Chaos~ Food, Weekly Favorite
Evoking You~ Pattern
The Dark Room~Sunset, Weekly Favorites
Fantastically Flawed~ Water(closes Monday 7/28) next theme: ?
Giggles&Goldfish~Everyday Favorites
Picture Me Project~Include yourself in the image somehow!
We Were There Too~ Get in the photo with your kids!
Lemonade and Lenses~Weekly Favorite
Mozi Magazine~Weekly Favorite
Seniorologie~ Weekly Favorite(senior)
Love Photographs Beautifully~No theme this week.
Measure In Love~ Hearts
Photographer's Connection~Weekly Favorite
Photo Artistry~Weekly favorites, Monthly theme "Sun and surf"
HAPPY Picture Contest~On break- no theme this week.
Reflections~Window Light
Sweet Little Muse~weekly favorite
Little Bellows~Neighborhood, Weekly favorite
Photo Corner~ weekly favorite
By The Light~  Strength and courage (July theme)
Life's Experience p52~Negative Space
 Fleeting Lights ~ Eyes
The Monochromatic Lens~Weekly Favorite
My Beautifully Chaotic Lifestyle~ Beautifully Chaotic
Let the Kids Dress Themselves~ Dreams
SHOTMagazine~ open, one photo per day
Faradiddles~ Summer, no kids! (July theme)
The Organic PhotograpHERS~Foodie|Cocktail
A Day in the Life~ Perfect Light
Honestly, Photography  ~ Friend
M.O.O.D. ~Before and After
Minimalist Mondays ~Minimalist
Euphoric Capture~Side Lighting
CLICK STYLE~Looking Through
Yip Yap Girl~Trees
The Inner Lens~Proud
Chasing Sunflares ~ Mommy and Me
The Masterpiece~?
3 Cats Photo~ Water landscapes (all of July)
Stand Alone Magazine~ Housework
The Snappy Mama~ Small

That concludes the links for this week!
If there is a link you'd like to see here, please let us know at
Please allow 2-3 weeks for addition to The Maven Flyer
Same goes for errors, though we hope to get those fixed right away.
Future issues of The Maven Flyer will be posted on Monday evenings.

You can't get featured if you don't submit!!

Go for it!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Feature Friday with Kate Luber Photography!

We're thrilled to learn a bit more about Kate Luber of Kate Luber Photography, the winner of last week's 'grace' challenge.

1. Please tell us about yourself...
I’m Kate. I’m a mom of one, soon to be two. In addition to my photography business, I work full-time in a bank, and I also teach ballet. I’ve lived in Oklahoma my entire life and while I feel I probably belong in NYC, I still kinda like it here.

2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
Bold, elegant, meticulous. I love dramatic light and deep, rich colors. I’m not often called subtle…in any aspect of my life. Just ask how many friends and family members I’ve forced to paint walls in my house bright red or orange or deep eggplant…I don’t believe in pastels. I am blessed, and cursed, with an appreciation for beautiful (and expensive) things. I love simple elegance. Think Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, and Grace Kelly. I’m a perfectionist, and it is reflected in how I shoot as well as how I process my images. I strive to create an illusion of perfection in my work. I don’t think I consciously decided to shoot this way. I started out with bright, fun images that I see so often online. As I dug deeper into photography, I found what images I was drawn to and they inspired me to shoot that way. It took a while for me to figure out WHY I was drawn to those in the first place.

3. What sparked your passion for photography?
I picked up my first camera soon after my daughter was born. My love for photography started much before that…even though I didn’t know it. My uncle is a photographer. He visits once a year at Christmas. He takes candid shots of our family enjoying the holidays. And when he returns the next year, we receive prints of the shots he took the year before for our Christmas present. When I was little, he was a novelty following me around the house with his HUGE camera. It was always fun to look back at the images from the previous year (and you always crossed your fingers you weren’t wearing the same shirt in the photo that you were wearing at that moment) but I never fully appreciated them. After I had my daughter, it hit me. She wouldn’t have those great photographs that I grew up with. She would have the same photos I got once a year, but with more family, I couldn’t even guarantee we’d be in town for every holiday he would visit. And let’s face it, my uncle won’t be around forever. I was devastated that my family wouldn’t have the same quality photographs to document the years. So…like any unknowing person, I bought a big camera, because surely that would give me the photos I wanted. Then there was the realization that it wasn’t as easy as it sounded, so I started learning and it just kinda snowballed from there…

4. What's in your camera bag right now?
Canon 5D Mark III, 70-200, 28mm, and WAAAY more junk than I care to admit. I should really go clean it out so I can close it…

5. What is your dream shoot or project?
My dream project is to visit theatres around the world and shoot dancers backstage. I realize this kinda contradicts my goal of showing perfection, but I just find the story behind the ballet so much more compelling than what takes place in view of the audience. I love the mix of calm and panic backstage. I love the last minute costume fixes and the routines of stretches that a dancer has developed over the years of training. My dream shoot isn’t really my own. I recently saw on Facebook that Patrick Demarchlier, one of my favorite photographers, did a shoot with some of the most famous ballet dancers in the world, including my absolute favorite, Diana Vishneva. What I wouldn’t give to just bring them coffee on that shoot!

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?
I knew that I couldn’t do what professional photographers could do, but I didn’t know why. I actually was not appalled by the high prices as I valued good photography and knew that if I wanted it for my family, I would have to pay for it. I do think I underestimated the learning curve when I purchased my first camera. I tend to think I can do anything and teach myself by reading tutorials online or watching YouTube. I call it dumb confidence. Unless someone tells me I can’t, I assume I can. And even when they tell me I can’t, I’m stubborn and try to prove them wrong…I’ve had mixed results in this situation… It can be a good thing, because I go into new things already knowing that I will be successful and all I have to do is work towards it. It’s not so good when what you’re attempting involves fighting gravity… I think I now have a more accurate assessment of what goes into making a good photograph, but I still believe that I can grow to where I want to be if I keep working towards it.

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
I would tell new photographers to be open to critique. I’m a critique junkie. I think the best way to grow is by learning what you’ve done wrong and how to fix it. And be open to the critique you receive. I see a lot of people getting defensive when someone points out a flaw in their work. They’re not saying you’re a bad photographer, a bad person, or even that the photo is bad. They’re just pointing out a mistake so that you can learn and not make the mistake again. At the same time, you have to know what comments to filter out. I was receiving critiques from a photographer who was telling me to shoot a certain way. Being new, I blindly thought this seasoned photographer knew everything and I needed to change how I was shooting. And she’s a great photographer…at what she does. But it’s so far from what I want to create that it actually got in the way of me progressing in my own vision. Once I figured that out, it was like a weight had been lifted and I could allow myself to shoot what appealed to me. Find a photographer whose work you admire and seek out help from them. Don’t ignore critique from other photographers, but learn to filter what will and won’t help you toward your personal goal.

You can find more of Kate's beautiful work here:

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Meet This Week's Judge: Jaclyn Shepard

This week we have Jaclyn of Jaclyn Shepard Photography with us! Her work with film and digital formats highlights an honest approach to photography, capturing pure emotion. Enjoy!

1. Tell us about yourself...

I'm a full-time pediatric psychologist with a humble passion for photography. I'm married to a supportive hubby (who patiently puts up with my photography gear addiction) and I'm mama to a strikingly beautiful 4-going-on-14-old, who is a major Daddy's girl. I also have two sweet pit bull pups, Princess Polly Pants and Li'l Man Jack, and a curmudgeonly cat, Jules. I am a lover of steak and sweet tea, and I desperately want to be a loyal coffee addict like all the cool kids, but I'm just not. I am an overuser of sarcastic hashtags, I don't cook at home enough, and I have an unhealthy relationship with chocolate chip cookie dough.

2. What ignited your passion for photography, and what fuels it now?

Truthfully, I've never considered myself an "artist" by nature and I haven't always been with a camera in-hand. In fact, I was always that kid who pitched a fit if you tried to take her picture. My mother unexpectedly passed away in 2012 and I was left with no way to cope. Photography was a hobby that my mother always held dear and it soon became the outlet I needed. I don't express myself well,so I found that shooting helped me process raw emotion. I needed a way to bring peace into my life and photography has allowed me to just create and breathe. The bonus is that I'm documenting important memories along the way.


3. What's in your camera bag right now, what do use the most? the least?

I have a mix of digital and film gear. I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark II, 50mm 1.2L, (insert big puffy heart), 85mm 1.8, and 16-35mm 2.8L. I actually use my film gear more these days. I shoot with an old dinosaur that etches the photo as a snap. #FlintstonesFTW! Haha, actually I shoot with my Dad's old Mamiya C330 with a 65mm lens. I prefer to shoot b&w film (tri-x 400 mostly), but for color, I'm a lover of Fuji 400H. I just got a Pentax 645N, but haven't shot with it yet. I'm suspecting that will be what I shoot with the most, once I have a lens for it.

4. What's your dream project or shoot?

I'm working on a personal project now called Emerging from Loss. I don't really know the direction that will take, but creatively this is my dream project.  

5. What is the biggest challenge you face as a photographer?

Comparing my work to others' and keeping expectations for myself way too high. I need to get over myself and just shoot for the reason why I got into photography in the first place.

6.  If you had $500 to spend on photography...

How should you spend it? on a blankity blank light meter.
How do you wish you could spend it? on more film gear!
How would you really spend it? on a blankity blank light meter (and film).

7. Is there any one thing you wish someone had told you at the very beginning of your photography journey? 

You can make mistakes; it'll be OK.
You won't be awesome overnight. 
You will become an addict surrounded by enablers and will soon start selling off your children for photography gear.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Wow. I know everyone says how difficult it is to pick favorites, but seriously! This was SO hard. There were so many lovely "grace" images submitted this week and I really enjoyed seeing the different interpretations of the theme! 

I love her sweet smile and that the focus takes you right to her story, which looks like one of grace, strength, and survival. 


This is such an honest portrayal of motherhood. The moody processing works in such harmony with the story.


The light and conversion are gorgeous. I especially love the juxtaposition of the drama and her gentle sweetness.


The combination of the wide angle, the yummy light, and her movement are simply stunning.


Ahh, the softness and tones of this images draw me right in. The soft focus works beautifully to capture the grace of childhood.


I just love the pairing of the dramatic conversion and the soft focus of her little feet in the grass to tell the story of grace and childhood. 


The grace of new life. {sigh} Just lovely.


Wow! The earthy tones are perfection here and her movement totally embodies grace.


The winner:

Simply stunning. The dramatic light and conversion are perfection, and this image captures the quintessential grace and strength of a ballerina. Well done!


I am so honored to have been chosen to judge this week - thanks for having me! 
You all really blew me away!