
Monday, June 30, 2014

The Maven Flyer Vol. 18

Welcome to 
 The Maven Flyer
Vol. 18
For the week of June 30, 2014

Here we will offer suggestions for places for you to submit your images
for sharing and competition.
If you have or know of a sharing community or theme, please let us know
by emailing the name, link, and specifics to

At this time you will need to visit each page to learn the specifics of the pages 
rules and deadlines for sharing images.

Happy Sharing Everyone!

Snap Maven ~ Illumination, Weekly Favorite, Experiments
Clicking Moms ~ Outtake 
In Beauty & Chaos~ Toys, Weekly Favorite
Evoking You~ Reading
The Dark Room~Freedom, Weekly Favorites
Giggles&Goldfish~Everyday Favorites
Picture Me Project~Include yourself in the image somehow!
We Were There Too~ Get in the photo with your kids!
Lemonade and Lenses~Weekly Favorite
Mozi Magazine~Weekly Favorite
Seniorologie~ Weekly Favorite(senior)
Love Photographs Beautifully~White, Weekly favorite
Measure In Love~ Hearts
Photographer's Connection~Weekly Favorite
Photo Artistry~Weekly Favorite, Monthly theme "Floral"
Simple tSally~Black and white
Life Defined Project~Recent Favorite
Reflections~Your everyday life
Little Bellows~June favorite, Weekly favorite
Photo Corner~ weekly favorite
In Your Own Light~Celebration
By The Light~ Golden Hour, Strength and courage (July theme)
Life's Experience p52~Floral
 Fleeting Lights ~ ?
The Monochromatic Lens~Weekly Favorite
My Beautifully Chaotic Lifestyle~ Beautifully Chaotic
Let the Kids Dress Themselves~ June fave
SHOTMagazine~ open, one photo per day
Faradiddles~ Summer, no kids! (June theme)
The Organic PhotograpHERS~Water
A Day in the Life~ Faceless
Honestly, Photography  ~ Food
M.O.O.D. ~Side lighting (have the poem in mind)
Minimalist Mondays ~Minimalist
Euphoric Capture~Red
CLICK STYLE~The best part of my week
Yip Yap Girl~Girl
The Inner Lens~Ecstatic 
Chasing Sunflares ~ Green
The Masterpiece~Red, white and blue
3 Cats Photo~ Water landscapes (all of July)


That concludes the links for this week!
If there is a link you'd like to see here, please let us know at
Please allow 2-3 weeks for addition to The Maven Flyer
Same goes for errors, though we hope to get those fixed right away.
Future issues of The Maven Flyer will be posted on Monday evenings.

You can't get featured if you don't submit!!

Go for it!

This Week's Judge: Mary Slone

This week's judge is the talented Mary of Mary Slone Photography. She's shared some candid thoughts of what inspires her, what frightens her, and what drives her. Enjoy!

1.                   Tell us about yourself...

I'm Mary, 30 years old, mama to 3 and happily married. We currently live outside of Memphis, but I hope to someday get us back to Northeastern Ohio to be with the rest of our family...

2.                   What ignited your passion for photography, and what fuels it now?

I've always been that person with thousands of pictures on their cell phone, or (back in the day) the little disposable camera close at hand. But the spark that started it all happened when my youngest was born two years ago. I have a friend who is a photographer and has a son around the same age as my Sophie. I'd see her beautiful lifestyle images of her family come through my Facebook feed, and I decided I wanted to be able to capture our memories like that, too. So I threw myself headlong into days and days of research...reading, youtube, snagging every tutorial I could get my eager little hands on. My husband bought me a little bridge-style fuji point & shoot – I clicked that baby into manual mode and never looked back (though I did upgrade to a Nikon D5100 pretty soon after that)...

3.                   What's in your camera bag right now, what do use the most? the least?

I ADORE my new Nikon D610.  The full frame (after spending so long yearning for it and pushing my  little 5100 to its limits) is still a new thrill for me every time I turn it on.  I couldn't be happier with it. 
                I do, however, desperately need to pump some life into my lens collection. Making the switch from the beginner D5100 & its accompanying lenses has left my bag a little bare these days. I use my 50mm 1.8 the most. I also still use my 35mm 1.8 when I'm desperate for a wider angle, but I don't prefer it (it's a dx lens and shows some pretty heavy vignetting when used on the Fx body. I can crop or clone it out, but I hate doing that and refuse to use it for any occasional client work). I have my heart set on the 85 1.4 as soon as I can swing it... but for now, I make do with what I have. Contentment is a choice. :-)

4.                   What's your dream project or shoot?

To finish a 365. LOL I know it sounds pretty low-bar, as far as dreams go. But for me, that's it. I've tried four times. FOUR. And I just cannot seem to stick with it. I get behind on the processing, not the shooting. But then it snowballs and I get overwhelmed and it all falls apart.

5.                   What is the biggest challenge you face as a photographer?

Fear. Fear of failing, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection. Fear of criticism. Fear of losing my passion for it as I embark on being a real business. Just, fear. I struggle daily to let go of as many of those fears as I can. I do it for me, to make me happy. I want it to move me and heal me. I want it to have soul. As long as it does those things for me, that's all I can control. I can't control how it affects others, but I know that I can control how I let the fear affect me. So I make a very intentional effort to manage it. A friend (the same friend who got me into photography in the first place) once told me she is “rabid protective” of her love of photography. I just love that. I think that's one of my biggest challenges. It's easy for me to get caught up in the “keeping up with the Joneses” aspects of it. So if I feel my passion start slipping, I'm not afraid to walk away for as long as it takes for it to come back. It usually doesn't last a week. And it's amazing what that little break can do to rejuvenate my spirit. I'm officially becoming a business this summer, and one of my biggest fears is how I will manage this particular aspect of it – when I can't just walk away if I need to. I plan to continue to adopt Erin's “rabid protective” strategy as best I can... we'll see how it goes... I'm extremely aware of my weaknesses in this area...

6.  If you had $500 to spend on photography...

How should you spend it?
Put it towards a good, pro-quality lens.
How do you wish you could spend it?
See above. LOL I have no delusions about my sweet little 1.8s …
How would you really spend it?
Again, see above. Sorry - nothing exciting from me on this one. Practicality wins.

7.                   Is there any one thing you wish someone had told you at the very beginning of your photography journey?

Don't get caught up in what you THINK your art should be. I spent the last two years convinced my “style” should be one way – squeaky clean, bright, airy. Turns out, in a moment of raw and unbridled epiphany, I discovered that isn't my style at all. Be willing to let your art surprise you. I'm currently reading David duChemin's new book, “A Beautiful Anarchy,” and this quote is my most favorite piece of photography advice to date:

'"I'm scared I'll fail and my work won't be what I hope it to be." It won't. Get OK with that now. It will be different. Sometimes it will be more than you ever imagined; it will surprise you to the depths of your being and the muse will whisper, "See? I told you so."'

Saturday, June 28, 2014

{open} Mavenista Style

Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? ~Bob Marley

A/Z Photography

Let yourself be open and your life will be easier - Buddha 

"Each flower is a soul opening out to nature."  
-  Gerald De Nerval

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.
Herbert Hoover

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
Joseph Campbell

Friday, June 27, 2014

Feature Friday with Marlize Meyer of Charlotte Heart Inspired!!!!

We're so thrilled to share a bit about our latest challenge winner, Marlize Meyer of Charlotte Heart Inspired!  She won the 'black tie' challenge last week and has graciously agreed to answer some questions for us all.

1. Please tell us about yourself...
Newbie photographer, actually a designer and dressmaker, but I view my self a “creativinista”, (if there is even such a word) always exploring new ways to express myself. I love to create something meaningful for other people. Wife to a very handsome man and mama to my precious 2 year old girl Charlotte, whom is my inspiration everyday.
(…and I’m a horrible housewife!)

 2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
mmmm… You guys are killing, now I really have to think…
Selfish…LOL!  I say this because I firstly and mostly create images for myself. But love to create something that speaks to other people as well and that they enjoy.
Emotive…I try to capture a feeling, mood, emotion, or memory, something deeper.
Intriguing… I would love to the viewer to be intrigued by the image, To want to know more about it but at the same time the image must allow them to make or finish their own story. A reason why I love B&W. It allows for different interpretations and emotions.

 3. What sparked your passion for photography?
Capturing the precious moments and memories in Charlotte’s little life is my main inspiration at the moment.
But wanting to be able to photograph my own dress designs and creations in a more artistic and emotive style was probably the first thing I wanted to accomplish with photography… so its something I’m really going to explore in the future.

 4. What's in your camera bag right now?
All the photography stuff I own. Ok I don’t even really own it…I actually bought the camera for my husband’s 30th birthday 3 years ago. I kinda hi-jacked it now! LOL!
A Canon Eos and the two standard lenses that came with it. Don’t even ask for any specs!
(I don’t know what aperture or ISO mean. I had to google OOF a few weeks ago before I could submit a photo for a challenge. )
Oh… and a legwarmer…haha! I pull it over the lens and body when I free lens. Hubby almost got a heart attack the first time I took of the lens on my first free lens try about a month ago. So this just helps ease his nerves since I’m now addicted to it!

5. What is your dream shoot or project?

…a girl in a lace dress on the back of a horse, with flowers in her hair and the wind blowing… see how I get carried away!!

6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?

So far I’m so pleasantly surprised by all the support and motivation I get from all you very talented people. I didn’t expect that.

 7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?

Oh my goodness…I’m a newbie!! But best advice I received during this month long journey I’ve just embarked on… is these wise words from Amber Privizzini …”create from your heart’ AWESOME, isn’t it? This will be my goal and inspiration in the future… the best advise that I could get so in the beginning of it all.

That it’s ok to create for myself. That only when you are truly self in love with your own work, will other people also love it. And to still love it, even if someone else doesn’t. This is you! And you are marvellous!

You can find more of Marlize's beautiful work here:

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

{black tie}

As the mom of 5, I don't have much of a chance to get fancy these days, but I LOVE seeing images from black tie events. 
The sophistication, the elegance, and often -- the silliness! 
When you can play against type the resulting images can be so endearing and filled with personality. I really enjoyed perusing all of your black tie images and living vicariously through them. I may just go get fancy in celebration of the Winner and Top 10!
(But probably not, my toddler will just smudge me anyway.)  
Thanks so much for sharing your black tie with me this week!

I love the vintage feel and gorgeous light in this image. There is a magical country charm here that I just adore.


I really admire photographers who can shoot newborns artfully. 
I know I don't have the patience for it! 
Love the tones in this image and the playfulness. 


Dudes! You just can't hold 'em back.
 Even when they are dressed to the nines. This just made me laugh, and reminded my of my son and his friends. Love it!


Soft and romantic. This is really is a beautiful moment captured.


I am intrigued by the mystery of this shot.  The angle adds to the sense of motion, and the black and white edit is lovely.  
I want to know where he is off to. Don't you?


This image is subtly sexy and really draws me in. I love the use of side lighting here and how it adds to the drama. Beautiful!


This boy is just too cute! This image just screams "happy." From the colors to his expression, to his little suspenders a bit askew. Adorable!


So fun! I love how everyone really got into the mood of the shot. The pops of purple are great as is the composition. Just a joyful image all around.


This image is just breathtaking. The scenery is drop dead gorgeous, and how much more romantic and elegant can it get than a kiss in the mist? 


Also very romantic. The monochromatic tones with the pop of greenery behind the couple is just lovely. 
And I love the bride's expression. Really gorgeous.


I mean, really? How could I not choose this? Silly fabulousness.  
And these guys are just balls out. (Am I allowed to say that? LOL!)


I choose this gorgeous image as winner for a few reasons. 
First because I just adore this black and white conversion. 
It has a fashion editorial feel to it that really drew me in. I love composition, the woman's expression, and that the man is blurred. I so want to know more about their story. Don't you?

Thanks again everyone for sharing! Happy prom and wedding season to all! 

Nicki Bosch

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Maven Flyer Vol. 17

Welcome to 
 The Maven Flyer
Vol. 17
For the week of June 23, 2014

Here we will offer suggestions for places for you to submit your images
for sharing and competition.
If you have or know of a sharing community or theme, please let us know
by emailing the name, link, and specifics to

At this time you will need to visit each page to learn the specifics of the pages 
rules and deadlines for sharing images.

Happy Sharing Everyone!

Snap Maven ~ Open, Weekly Favorite, Experiments
Clicking Moms ~ Color or BW
Distorted Beauty~ Out of Focus
In Beauty & Chaos~ Summer, Weekly Favorite
The Dark Room~The Beach, Weekly Favorites
Giggles&Goldfish~Everyday Favorites
Picture Me Project~Include yourself in the image somehow!
We Were There Too~ Get in the photo with your kids!
Lemonade and Lenses~Weekly Favorite
Mozi Magazine~Weekly Favorite
Seniorologie~ Weekly Favorite(senior)
Love Photographs Beautifully~Summer fun, Weekly favorite
Measure In Love~ Hearts
Photographer's Connection~Weekly Favorite
Photo Artistry~Weekly Favorite, Monthly theme "Floral"
Angie Marie Photography~ Summer Elements
Simple tSally~Black and white
Life Defined Project~Recent Favorite
Little Bellows~People and their pets, Weekly favorite
Photo Corner~ weekly favorite
By The Light~ Weekly favorite
Life's Experience p52~Best of your best
 Fleeting Lights ~ Dirty
The Monochromatic Lens~Weekly Favorite
My Beautifully Chaotic Lifestyle~ Beautifully Chaotic
Let the Kids Dress Themselves~ Details
SHOTMagazine~ open, one photo per day
Faradiddles~ Summer, no kids! (June theme)
The Organic PhotograpHERS~Fruit
A Day in the Life~ Juxtaposition
Honestly, Photography  ~ Fingers&Toes
M.O.O.D. ~In a dream
Minimalist Mondays ~Minimalist
Euphoric Capture~Together
CLICK STYLE~Summer Silhouette 
Yip Yap Girl~Swim
The Inner Lens~Sad
Chasing Sunflares ~ Negative space
The Masterpiece~Maternity
3 Cats Photo~ Urban (all of June)


That concludes the links for this week!
If there is a link you'd like to see here, please let us know at
Please allow 2-3 weeks for addition to The Maven Flyer
Same goes for errors, though we hope to get those fixed right away.
Future issues of The Maven Flyer will be posted on Monday evenings.

You can't get featured if you don't submit!!

Go for it!

A Special Project by our Guest Judge!

I have long admired Nicki Bosch Photography; Nicki makes everything dreamy, and has an uncommon talent for freelensing. She shared a recent project with us - enjoy! 

Down by the creek

We were at the park.
We walked a trail.
There was a creek.
They laughed, explored, threw rocks into the water...
It was beautiful.
“Like all magnificent things, it's very simple.” ― Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting