
Friday, November 29, 2013

Featured Friday with Amanda diMonda of DiMonda Photography

Amanda was the winner of the "rhythm" theme challenge.
1. Please tell us about yourself...

I am a mom to identical twin girls who have reminded me what it is like to live life with your eyes and your heart wide open.  I was born and raised in Minnesota, but the universe sent me my love from another state and currently reside in Long Island, NY with my best friend and husband and of course our two girls and can not leave out our two crazy black labs!  I am a dreamer who has always wondered what lay behind what is seen...always digging deep into everything.

 2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?

Dreamy, emotional and natural.  I chose these words because this is what I strive to capture.  I love finding the light and do my best to use it to help me tell a story or pull your eye to what I see.  Natural, because for me that is when you capture the best moments, connections,  the child's own personality and true smiles.

 3. What sparked your passion for photography?

I always have had a love for art of all kinds including photography, however, I never considered it as a career.  I wanted to be a veterinarian and was on that path until my girls were born.  Life lead me down unexpected turns and I was told I would not survive another pregnancy.  It was hard news to take in, but I took it and turned it into a passion of capturing my own children's lives.  Their very beautiful ordinary simple moments that I never wanted to forget.  I realized during those first few years that I loved it, and how amazing it would be to be able to give that gift to other families.

4. What's in your camera bag right now?

Canon 5D Mark ii
50 mm 1.4 L
135 mm 2.0 L
24-70 L

 5. What is your dream shoot or project?

I have two.  I love when I find families who are laid back and love to have fun with their kids.  Who are open to their every day being documented, messy hand print walls and all.  To be let into "their" world as beautiful and chaotic as it maybe and capture their "gift of an ordinary day" and to be able to show them how amazing their story is.  To maybe help them slow down and take it all in and love every part of childhood and their life as it goes by too fast.  That makes me so happy!
Another would be more personal.  Maybe of my girls, maybe of another child...but one that reminds me of me when I was young.  A child whose imagination and spirit knows there is more to this world, more that lies beyond our everyday and dreams of finding it.  Who feels nature just as much as she/he feels their family and loves how the quiet song of the world moves them.  To go out into a beautiful forest, mountain, lake...where ever their heart pulls them and capture a piece of their soul.  Pure and true with out worry of what the world around them tells them they should feel.  And hope that my pictures shows them  its perfect to be exactly who they are and give them the confidence to be themselves, and no one else.  That they are beautiful just the way they are and to never change but only grow stronger in that.

 6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?

I think the biggest misconception or idea about photography I have seen is that just like any other job, you do not truly know what goes into photography and how much time it takes to make your own art.  We do not just take a picture with an expensive camera and call it a day.  To make art it truly takes time, investment in yourself and your passion before and after each session.  Also, that running a successful photography business you really need to have an understanding of the business side and customer service.  You need to find and do your best to keep a balance.  That's key...balance.

7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?

Find what sets you apart.  Everyone holds something unique and special that only they have.  Find that, embrace it and let it shine through your work. Do not worry what every other photographer is doing and compare it to where you are.  Dig deep into you, your soul, your passion, your life and be true to you....if you do this it will never fail you.  Find time to photograph things just for you and not just for work.  Never stop learning and challenging yourself.

To see more of Amanda's captivating work, you can catch up with her here...


Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Katy Tuttle Photography
The mood, the boy and flower is just too perfect

Sheila Spencer 
The texture of the curtain and the muted bw give this photo such a nostalgic feel that spoke to me

Kate Densmore Photography 
This was an all too familiar sight, the rhythm of the morning, the coffee sound, smell, love coffee and love this photo.

Blissful Maven Photography 
The mood and movement on this photo stopped me on my tracks. 

Sarah Hayes Photography
  The moody bw and lighting are divine!

Dagny Johnson Photography
  The angel on this photo is magnificent, the expression on her face, rhythm at its best.

Kerry Varnum Photography
the movement of hair always gets me, especially when its accompanied with such yummy light. 

Jeanna Ludwig Photography
The ambiance in this photo is amazing, I can almost hear the music playing. 

The Halcyon Days Photography 
This image was so so beautifully soft and soothing, how can you not think rhythm? 

Amy Donohue Photography
This photo moves, its amazing, the grain is gorgeous and its amazing how a still photo can have so much rhythm . 
...and this week's winner is...

Dimonda Photography
I love the movement, the colors, the beach.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Meet This Week's Judge: Ana Myer {rhythm} November 25th

A big thank you to Ana Myer of Ana Myer Photography & AMPed Photoshop Actions for 

judging our "rhythm" photos this week! If you haven't had a chance to check out her beautiful 

work, please do! But before you do that, read a little bit about her here: 

  • 1. Please tell us about yourself...
    I am a clicking- happy homeschooling mama of three, wife to a pretty cool guy and the person behind Ana Myer photography and AMPed photoshop actions. I love light, nature, coffee... Cooking, writing, painting, scrap booking and the beach

    2. Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?
    If I had to describe my style in three words I'd have to say "raw" "emotive" " moody" I guess those are things I try to capture about every day life. I love capturing true, raw moments, and I am a sucker for emotion captured over technicalities any day.

    3. What sparked your passion for photography?
    I believe I always have loved photography, even before I knew it. I used to write a lot, much like capturing but with words. Of course my passion took a completely different turn once that first baby of mine was born. I wanted to absorb and just vampire and remember everything, every detail.
    4. What's in your camera bag right now?
    Well, right this moment there are a couple of diapers, wipes, two lens covers ( they are never on my camera) and my wallet
    5. What is your dream shoot or project?
    As of now I would really love to stick to a 365 project next year. I have so many projects I dream of doing but I feel if I can stick to a 365, I could do anything!
    6. What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey? Have they changed, and how?
    Early in my journey, I thought there were shortcuts, a better lens, learning to edit... But that has changed so much for me. It's all about the foundation and learning what you have first. Yes, equipment does help. A lot. But if you don't know how to use it , what is the point? I find myself using my starter camera and lenses a lot more now.
  • 7. What advice would you give to newbie photographers? What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?
  • I wish someone had told me that first things first. Learn the basis. Learn to focus and expose ( even if you decide later on to break those rules) I know a new camera and new lenses sound great but just take your time . Don't rush, there are not any short cuts. Shoot what you love, shoot with your heart, never stop learning , don't be afraid to be YOU.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Featured Friday with Liz Godfrey Of Liz Godfrey Photography

Liz was the winner of our "dream" theme challenge.

1.  Please tell us about yourself...

Mother, wife and photographer.  My two children, Luca and Ella are simply the bees knees and my daily inspiration.  I am married to a wonderful Brit whom I met in a bar while on ski trip in Whistler.  Always swore I would never meet someone in a bar, so I still say we met "apres-ski".  Active children + witty husband, along with a crazy and lovable dog keep me busy as well as laughing.  After many years of travel around the world and relocation, we are finally settled in a beautiful part of Connecticut and now it's full steam ahead with my photography.

2.  Can you describe your style in 3 words? Why those words?

Oh boy, this is a tricky one as I'm still trying to figure this out.  Best one word to describe me at the moment would be eclectic.  My creative evolution really got going last year and ever since then it has been simply evolving.  I love candid moments captured, I'm obsessed with natural light (would love to master this one day!) and have a special place in my heart for black and white. Photographing people brings me a lot of joy, especially when I can capture a look or emotion that was unexpected yet reveals a little something of the person's character.  I am someone who likes to try different things and without variety I start to feel a bit bored.

3.  What sparked your passion for photography?

I've always had a love for photography since getting my first Polaroid camera as a teenager - gosh, that was long ago! I used to dream of being a National Geographic photographer and explorer and who knows maybe there is still time.  I did want to study photography at university but to be honest, I lacked the confidence back then to pursue my dream and was plagued by lots of self-doubt.  Instead, I majored in Art History and just enjoyed traveling and taking photos.  After my children came along, I got more interested in photography and it wasn't until August of 2012 that I decided to commit to learning how to shoot in manual and follow my dream.  The spark has really always been there I just needed to relight it, keep any fear at bay and not be afraid to commit to it.

4.  What's in your camera bag right now?

Canon 5d mark ii, 85mm 1.8 lens, 24-105mm 4.0 lens

5.  What is your dream shoot or project?

Obviously, I love photographing my children and will continue to do so.  My dream would be to make all the ideas in my head happen and not just keeping them as ideas.  I am interested in exploring more creative, storytelling type of portrait shoots and I always have been fascinated by unique locations such as the Utah salt flats.

6.  What are some of the misconceptions you had about photography and photographers at the beginning of your photography journey?  Have they changed, and how?

That I had to find my style in order to be successful. Awhile ago, I read an interview with Andee Tate at Crave Photography in which she explained that it was okay to be eclectic and not be bound to fit any type of mold -  reading this interview reaffirmed to me that it's okay to experiment, listen to my own heart and focus on my own creative journey.

7.  What advice would you give to newbie photographers?  What advice do you wish you'd been given at the very beginning?

To keep practicing, keep learning, explore a variety of things, places and perspectives when shooting, as you just might stumble upon something that gives you that "a-ha" moment.  Also, not to get caught up in comparing yourself to others and focus on your journey and creative evolution.

To see more of Elizabeth's ethereal imagery you can visit her at...


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


So here is my pick for the theme.  This was so much harder than I thought!!  So many beautiful interpretations of the the theme. 

  Arrow Creek Photography

I love the intent look on her face and the snow falling.  I can almost see her dreams floating around her.   


KG Photography

This just speaks to so many little girl's dreams.  The way her little hands are posed and her gaze looking at that beautiful dress is just too perfect. 


 Heather Robinson Photography

A baby is wrapped in so many dreams.  I love the sliver of light shining in and how it rests right on the baby.   
This image has such a magical feel to it and I love the light streaming down plus the butterflies are amazing!  
I love the sense of apprehension we are witnessing here.  I want to know what happens next and what the little one is reaching for.  The body language here really draws me into this image. 
The image is so simple yet striking with the shadows and texture of the pavement.  The little one lost in thought really plays up the dream theme. 



I love the focus of the sleeping child here.  So innocent and lost in dreams.  The light and conversion are beautiful.

In this image I feel like I am peeking on her dreaming of something wonderful.  I love her playful pose and the slight smirk on her face.  

This image has so much mystery to it.  Looking at it I feel like I am peering into a dream.  The processing really adds to that mysterious feel.  

I am filled with wonder looking at this image.  A boy determined to reach the moon.  I can just imagine the dreams he is thinking in his quest.  
Winner-   Liz Godfrey Photography
 I love this one!!  The focus on the girl lost in fantasy and her imagination just brings so much to this image.  The photographer's choice to keep most of the image out of focus was a smart one as it really draws the viewer to the subject.  